14 associations that democratize the circular economy
By Carenews Info - Published on May 31, 2021 - 09:00 - Update on June 1, 2021 - 15:42 Receive news the articles of the actor#Associations
Awareness, instructions, re -use, recovery of waste, so many initiatives of the 14 associations of this top which fight, each in their own way, to promote and democratize the circular economy.Selection.
Partagez:Ajouter à mes favoris14 associations qui démocratisent l'économie circulaireAwareness and mobilization of economic actors
Orée is an association, a network that brings together the actors committed to the circular economy, biodiversity, CSR and local anchoring of companies.Since 1992, Orée has animate this network, which now has more than 180 members (associations, companies, communities, and academic or institutional organizations) to create dynamics and exchange around sustainable development priorities.Through the sharing of experiences between its members, the association highlights good practices, the solutions that work, the reflections of reflections for the continuation of the development of circular, CSR and local anchoring sectors.
The Cité de l'Environnement is an association created in 2017 whose aim is to raise public awareness of environmental issues and the preservation of the planet through exhibitions for the school environment and the general public.Supported by the National Institute of the Circular Economy, the association sensitizes around the theme of the imperative change in our consumption methods.In partnership with the CNRS, the Cité de l'Environnement is preparing its first exhibition for 2022: the circular economy.Fun, interactive, it will explain the foundations of the circular economy.How to recycle?How to create clean energy?Explain the cycle of obsolescence of consumer goods.
The Zacka association for the main objective of popularizing, raising awareness, informing and educating the circular economy and ecological issues.She is currently collaborating with the Paris City Hall to perform an exhibition around the works of a committed artist who only works from waste.Objective: to prove that waste is a valuable economic commodity.Zack administers education courses around responsible consumption and re -use in high schools and colleges, in connection with the Ministry of National Education.The association also sets up an academy chair project to train managers in the circular economy and transform the companies of tomorrow.
Instructions and reuse:
Rebooteille is an association born in March 2020 with the desire to create a virtuous circle of re -use of glass bottles.How does it work?Consumers buy liquids with a glass container.The association raises them and encourages them to deposit empty bottles in its collection points, the instructions.These are then sent to the MA Bottle Center, returned to Valencia.Once clean, the bottles are delivered to brewers, winegrowers or fruit juice producers.So the cycle is perpetuated.The association is, for the moment, located in the Lyon region.
CAP Solidarité Ouest Cornouaille is a recyclingry born in 2009 which opened a shop in 2010 in Plozévet, Brittany in Brittany.The goal ?Promote reuse, the circular economy.The recyclerie is an intermediary between the inhabitants wishing to get rid of goods in good condition (furniture, kitchen utensil, vinyl, books, household appliances) and people in precarious situations who therefore have access to a multitude of products.Since 2016, the recyclerie also has been proposing to lend dishes to avoid the use of disposable dishes during festive events.Actions to help furnishings and Christmas for all are both creating social ties and solidarity to avoid the isolation of the most disadvantaged people.
The replayed association has been located in Ile-de-France for more than ten years.It has given itself a double mission: to promote the re -use of more used or deteriorated toys, and to support people far from employment to the professional world.Toys collected from individuals and partner companies are repaired and cleaned by people in difficulty to promote their return to sustainable employment and social inclusion.On average, replayed renovates 55,000 toys per year.
Like Cap Solidaire Ouest Cornouaille, the resourcery, the manufacture, sorts, recycles and rehabilitates furniture, clothes, dishes, electronic products, cultural objects (books, films, etc.), to encourage thereuse.Based in Gennevilliers, the store offers individuals to deposit their goods which are then valued during valuation workshops named the recovery fairies.The collection of goods is made by six employees in professional integration.
Zero waste:
Recognized of general interest, the agency of donation in kind is an association which fights against poverty and waste by the collection and redistribution of unsold people.New clothes, hygienic products, school supplies, Christmas gifts, the donation agency in kind is trying to restore self -esteem to people in precarious or anomie.In 2020, the association distributed 7 million products for a market value of 32 million euros.During the health crisis, the agency of donation in kind held its place of association of general interest by distributing 1,350,730 masks, 433,385 hydroalcoholic gels and 615,000 products of interviews.
Initiated by Zero Waste France and located in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, the Zero Waste House is both an associative coffee, a shop and a place of awareness and education for good practices to tend towards a company without waste.The house offers visitors products to reduce their waste (reusable fabric sachets, waterproof glass jars, gourds, bento boxes, lumbri -readers, white vinegar with baking soda for household maintenance, etc....) and organizes workshops, conferences and projections debate around this issue.Completely made up of building materials and re -use furniture, the zero waste house is intended to be a place of inspiration for other structures, associative or entrepreneurials.
Any waste is an economical good, just enhance it.It is from this theory and the observation that 80 % of plastic waste is not recycled today in France that Resak was born.Based on the Basco-Landes coast, Resak is a plastics transformation workshop into furniture.The association aims to create close relations between public authorities, local associations and inhabitants for the reduction of plastic waste.The workshop provides the public with tools and raising the greatest number of waste processing methods.
Created in 2004, Solidarity Donations has set a double objective of combating precariousness and waste.The association collects non -food products often intended for destruction and distributes them to charitable associations helping the most disadvantaged.In 2020, Solidaires Donations distributed for 51 million euros in products to 950,000 people thanks to its 140 partner companies.
The Humana for People Federation has been improving the living conditions of developing countries for 30 years.Present in a multitude of countries and in particular in France with Humana France, the association promotes the recovery of clothing and responsible fashion.In an environmental protection approach, she collects used textiles, puts them for sale in her thrift stores and donates profits to charities.Thus Humana France is associated with Humana People to People Congo (HPP-Congo) for the development of on-site association's projects: development of educational, agricultural and sustainable development sectors, mainly in isolated rural areas of the country and indisadvantaged neighborhoods in Kinshasa.
Extramuros The association is a solidarity, ecological and social carpentry.Two axes of engagement are developed by the association: zero waste and professional integration.Thanks to the recovery of wood in recycling center and through marauding to recover the bulky items, Extramuros manufactures urban furniture, planters, modular furniture, etc..The association also organizes workshops for an audience far from employment for integration or professional reintegration, particularly for young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Activille is an association born in Bobigny, the aim of which is awareness of the circular economy and the reduction of waste.In particular, it has set up composters of neighborhoods and public establishments in the cities of Bobigny, Bagnolet, Les Lilas, Pantin, and Pré-Saint-Gervais.Activille animates awareness workshops to teach residents to compost and thus reduce their waste.The association has also created a place of experimentation, the 36 quai de Bobigny, to educate and develop urban agricultural practices.
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