8 tips very useful to start your collection of sneakers off
The sneakers you wanted are exhausted?Take a look at websites and resale stores.You can find all kinds of special or exclusive models there, but know that they will always be more expensive than in their original version.
Watch out for counterfeits
There are false sneakers everywhere and some seem very real and legitimate, so you have to pay attention to all the details, know what some models should look like and even what the right materials are.The more information you have, the less likely you are to fall into the trap of scams or deception.
Store and clean correctly
If you want your shoes to last a long time and stay in good condition longer, you need to store them properly and clean them regularly.The same stores sell you the right cleaning products, or you can bring them to experts, and you can use the boxes to store your tennis so that it is well protected and not scratched, crushed or damaged.
You must also decide when wearing a pair, because if you want to sell them, the least used can always have a higher price.
Via GQ Mexico