Ariege. CNES sends Pamiers and his children into space until the end of October
Until the end of October 2021, many activities are offered in Pamiers (Ariège) on the theme of space in partnership with CNES.
By Fabien Hisbacq Published onNews OccitanieSee my newsMany activities around space are organized until the end of October 2021 in Pamiers (Ariège) as part of a partnership with the National Center for Space Studies (CNES) .
This operation was launched on Wednesday, October 13 with the arrival at Place de la République of a… meteorite!
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A big stone that questions some people but above all aims to create vocations among young people. Or just educate them. Like the windows of the city which were adorned for the occasion with all the space paraphernalia. From October 19 to 30, businesses are also organizing a quiz on the subject.
Two programs
Thus, until October 29, many activities will keep the apprentice astronauts busy. With a program in two parts. One for all and free (or at a reduced price) and the other for 8-15 year olds.
For the general public, for example, there will be open-air cinema on Place de la République (Friday 22 October at 8 p.m.) with Wall-E. Saturday 23 October, at 4.30 p.m., Farfeloup puppets will take the stage at the MJC to perform the aptly named Météorite (€6). Monday 25 October, at 10 am, more cinema, at the Rex, with the film Terra Willy (€5). On Wednesday October 27, at 8:30 p.m., meet at the Plateau du Castella for an evening of astronomical observation with Planète Sciences Occitanie. Finally, on Friday October 29, before the closing evening, we will be able to attend, at the Irénée-Cros stadium, the launch of micro-rockets and water and air rockets.
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For children and teenagers, the program is even richer with a number of free workshops from October 25 to 29: construction of a space module, manufacture of water and air rockets, design competition for space mission badges , simulated spacewalk at the swimming pool, initiation to the planetarium, construction of an exploration robot…
And then there will be the troupes of Farfeloup and Un brin de sens who will come and put their grain of madness between the stars.
Pamiers in space, until October 29, 2021. Full program here.Was this article useful to you? Note that you can follow Actu Occitanie in the My Actu space. In one click, after registration, you will find all the news of your favorite cities and brands.
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