Cross of Lorraine, Mirabelle: they explain why their tattoo represents Lorraine
By Noah Kolanek published Lelorraine Actuit My Actu
Anchor, or rather ink.The phonetic gap is tiny between the two words.But for the three Lorrainers, this border may not exist so much their tattoo echoes a part of their experience.
A clear symbolism
For Quentin, the message of his tattoo is clear like rock water: the Lorraine cross that the young Mosellan has chosen to immortalize on his body pays homage to his grandfather, also tattooed with the same symbol.
But not only since according to him, "the cross of Lorraine is still the symbol of freedom, the one that illustrates the fight against fascism", he explains before adding: "It is myonly tattoo.He commemorates those who have given their lives for our free will today.When I look at him, he gives me strength.»»
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Pay tribute to his region, but also to his experience
While the twenty -year -old clearly claims his identity through the Lorraine cross, Marion Massot is less patriotic. La mirabelle que la femme de 29 ans s’est tatouée sur l’avant-bras gauche : c’est avant tout pour « faire un clin d’œil»» à toute une partie de sa vie.
A tattoo, a thousand messages
But above all should not be summed up Quentin's tattoo in its historical reach.A tattoo is not that or that, but rather that and that.As with Joannes Meens, Lorraine until he was 30 years old, the Lorraine thistle that he has inked, by nature, several meanings.
Note that for Quentin as for the 34 -year -old real estate agent, now expatriate in the Basque Country;"This is the message that prevails before the aesthetic side.»»
Lorraine in different forms
Each tattoos therefore have their own messages.Connected to the experiences of Joannes, Marion and Quentin, they all tell a story that words cannot develop.
But in terms of history this time, the Mirabelle, the Cross of Lorraine as the thistle recall part of the identity of the region.Region they have decided to appropriate by forever immortalizing the expression "to have Lorraine in your skin.»»
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