Death of Nora Quirin in Malaysia: criminal lead excluded, "it doesn't correspond to reality" denounces family
Nora whatin died in 2019 in Malaysia.While his family was convinced of the criminal nature of his disappearance, the investigation excluded this Monday the involvement of a third party.
The death of Nora whatrin, a 15-year-old Franco-Irish woman whose body had been found in the forest in Malaysia ten days after her disappearance in 2019, is due to "a mishap" in the jungle and not to murder or an assaultSexual, according to the conclusions of the investigation rendered this Monday, January 4, 2021.
The girl, whose grandparents live in the Yonne, had disappeared in the aftermath of her arrival, with her family, at the Dusun Resort hotel, a tourist complex located about 70 km south of the capital Kuala Lumpur,on the edge of the jungle.The body of the teenager with a slight mental handicap had been found after ten days of research.
The police had estimated that death was of accidental origin and the autopsy performed in discomfort had concluded that she was probably died of an internal hemorrhage induced by hunger, after spending more than a week in the foresttropical.But the parents are convinced that their daughter was not able to go out alone, in the middle of the night, through the chalet window where she stayed, and that she had been removed.
The "coroner" responsible for the investigation, Maimoonah Aid, said on Monday that "no one is involved" in her disappearance and that he is "more likely that she is dead following a mishap".
Pour Mme Maimoonah, l'adolescente a sûrement quitté le logement familial "toute seule" avant de se "perdre dans la plantation de palmiers" qui était à l'abandon. Le corps dénudé de Nora Quoirin avait été retrouvé dans un petit ruisseau au fond d'un ravin dans la jungle après dix jours de recherches ayant mobilisé des centaines de personnes, des hélicoptères et des chiens.
"The asymmetry of the conclusions in relation to reality is obvious. We do not look at things as they must be seen. They have put means, but if the form is present, the background is not there",The Nora grandfather, Sylvain Boustin, who lives in the town of Venizy in the Yonne, of which he is also the mayor.He still does not believe in the thesis of the accident, despite the Malaysian conclusions.
Sébastien and Meabh whatrin, the parents of Nora, are "totally indignant by the conclusions of the" coroner ". We have seen 80 slides presented at the Court, none of which took into account the psychology of Nora. Her handicap and her intellectual capacitieswere completely obliterated, "said the parents in a statement.
Selon l'avocat de la famille, Me Charles Morel, "la décision rendue hier est totalement incompréhensible. Elle valide la thèse des policiers mais sans répondre à aucune des questions ou des objections, des obstacles insurmontables justement concernant cette thèse accidentelle."
"Strange and new place"
The "Coroner" took two hours before rendering its conclusions during a videoconference, due to the coronavirus pandemic, which was held from a court in the city of Seremban.She reviewed more than 40 testimonies collected during her investigation which started at the end of August and ended in December.At the time of the conclusions, the victim's mother fell.
Selon la "coroner", à leur arrivée en Malaisie, la famille et notamment l'adolescente étaient fatigués et il est donc probable que dans cet "endroit étrange et nouveau", la jeune fille ait quitté de son plein gré le chalet. Mme Maimoonah a également souligné que la mère de la victime avait déclaré que sa fille était capable de monter les escaliers toute seule, laissant à penser qu'elle a pu sortir toute seule de leur chalet.
"If we do not take into account the personality of Nora, how do you approach the subject of a possible fugue? If we know that Nora is a gregarious, fearful, almost introverted girl, how can she take the initiative ofGoing out through a window and going for a walk at night? It's totally impossible, "replied Nora's grandfather, Sylvain whatever.
"Le verdict est concentré exclusivement sur des considérations factuelles concernant notamment sa mobilité physique", dénoncent les parents. "La famille a clairement l’impression qu’au fond, cette enquête concédée sous la pression diplomatique et médiatique avait déjà son issue dès qu’elle a été ouverté", déclare Me Morel. "On a l’impression qu’il s’agissait de conclure à un accident et à un départ volontaire qui protège la réputation du pays."
Nora's grandfather, joined by phone this Monday, recalled that the young woman's body, discovered ten days after her disappearance, presented few brands."It was very hot. She had fallen asleep naked with her pants. They found her naked without her pants. If she had wandered seven days in the jungle, you imagine that we would have found bitters,Leeches on his body. But there were nothing apart from a few scratches that were previous, "he said.
During the investigation, the police repeated that they had no clues that could suggest a criminal track and think that she got out of her chalet herself through the window.But his parents, who live in London and testified by teleconference from Great Britain, said that they had heard suspicious noises in the chalet at night of his disappearance.
The father, Sébastien quoiRin, a Frenchman, said he "heard muffled noises from the chalet" late at night the day the family arrived.For her part, the mother, Meabh, Irish, criticized the police's reaction, believing that she was slow and ineffective.The teenager was educated in a structure for children with learning and communication difficulties.Questioned by the BBC, she indicated: "We will continue to fight so that the story of Nora is heard."
The family plans to appeal
The British media adds that the family, whatevernate can now request a revision of the verdict from the High Court of Seremban.Such a decision has already been made in Malaysia previously recalls the BBC.In 2019, a verdict of "mishaps" concerning the death of the 18 -year -old model Ivana Smit, had been canceled.An investigation for murder was then opened.
La famille dit qu'elle a maintenant besoin de temps pour envisager ses prochaines actions, nous a indiqué leur avocat en France Me Charles Morel. "Elle est encore sous le coup de la décision. Elle réfléchit à l'éventualité de faire appel."