December 2021
To listen
Friday, December 31 - the failures of compensation.
Thursday, December 30 - Accessibility - little free access.
Launched by two ministers on May 25, the free access state website supposed to list the establishments open to the public accessible to people with disabilities struggles to fill up. It contains 13,804 of the two million in activity throughout France (0.69%), of which only 832 in Paris. In the second city in France, Marseille, there are 22 places (including 12 care establishments and public services, 4 cultural places and 3 hotels). In Lille, on the 25 files, 16 concern shops and none of the cultural places. If the gendarmeries seem largely listed, the police stations and national police stations are less so. Free access contains 151 art museums and galleries, 172 cinemas, 227 bars and just over 900 restaurants (out of a total of 34,000 drinking debits) and nearly 1,500 of 18,000 hotels in the country. If the austere presentation sheets provide information on dedicated accessibility and services, they have no information on the establishment's services: you have to learn elsewhere to know the type of kitchen of a restaurant, which Presents a museum or other cultural establishment, the style of clothing of a business, the clientele dedicated to a hair salon (women only or mixed for example), etc., which is hardly practical. Created in 2019 by the ministerial accessibility delegation (DMA), free access was to be fueled by a thousand accessibility ambassadors collecting information on the ground, of which only less than twenty has been recruited.
Wednesday December 29 - Health/Company - Vaccinal pass and restraint.
The bill again strengthening protection measures against contamination by the COVVI-19 Coronavirus is deposited in Parliament by the government which hopes its adoption by January 5 for an application from January 15. It transforms the current health pass into a vaccine pass whose validity remains subject to the proper execution of the vaccination course (3rd or even soon 4th dose). The health pass consisting of a recovery certificate or a negative detection test would remain usable for access to health and medico -social establishments alone. It would become possible for the operator of an establishment receiving the public to ensure the identity of users in the event of doubt about a vaccination pass. The text should strengthen sanctions in the event of fraud, using a fine amounting to € 1,000. The government also wants to take advantage of the bill to restore the isolation and restraint measures imposed on persons placed under constraint in a psychiatric hospital, measures sanctioned three times by the Constitutional Council on June 19, 2020, June 4 and December 16 of this year .
Tuesday, December 28 - Employment - Lobbying sanctioned.
The Constitutional Council suppressed from the finance bill for 2022 two provisions relating to the employment obligation of disabled workers (read the news of November 16, 2021). The first concerns a new exemption applicable to intermediate associations and modeling agencies for which the workforce retained to establish the employment obligation of disabled workers was brought back only to permanent employees. The second will have a significantly larger scope: it transferred to the URSSAF, the social security funds and the agricultural social mutuality the procedure of rescript in the application of the employment obligation. This rescript allows the employer to obtain in writing an interpretation of the texts regulating his situation with regard to the employment of workers, an enforceable interpretation in the event of subsequent legal difficulty. If the management of the annual employment declaration of disabled workers has been withdrawn from Agefiph since the beginning of this year and transferred to the various social security organizations according to the activity sectors, the rescript procedure had been "Forgotten" by the administration and the government when drafting the law of transfer of responsibility. The introduction into the PLF 2022 of the RESCRI and an exemption to the OTTH constituted legislative riders unrelated to the finances of the State, which the Constitutional Council logically sanctioned.
Monday, December 27 - Leisure/deafness - Sign of Affection T2.
We find young Yuki and Itsuomi in their daily activities, she intimidated by the young traveler student who seems comfortable everywhere.They continue their mutual discovery, in sign language or in writing, and she knows her first emotions and frights when they find themselves together, alone in the apartment of the boy's parents.They are all close, what will happen?The duo of authors Morishita Suu continues his sentimental exploration of the meeting between two students, one deaf speaking in sign language, the other attentive and considerate.In this volume, he takes the time to show the contradictory feelings and actions of Yuki torn between the tenderness that Itsuomi testifies to him and his fear of a romantic relationship without a future in a narrative in delicacy.A Sign of Affection Tome 2, by Morishita Suu, Akata editions, € 6.99 in bookstores.
Saturday, December 25 - the initiatives of the week.
Friday, December 24-Administration-No MDPH in Saint-Barthélémy.
There is no departmental house for disabled people in this paradise of the rich, which also has many poor people, which is the overseas community of Saint-Barthélemy. It was inscribed in the bill relating to differentiation, decentralization, decentralization and bearing various measures to simplify local public action (known as 3DS) the creation of a house of autonomy dealing with the requests of disabled people or dependent elderly. This provision had been introduced by amendment to the Senate on July 15, at first reading of the text, to "translate the wish formulated by the Territorial Council of Saint-Barthélemy, on May 7, to create a territorial house of autonomy (MTA ). More specifically, it is a question of giving a legal basis to the organization of the exercise of missions relating to the territorial houses of autonomy. "Five months more, the National Assembly abolished this provision taking into account the small and the low population (10,000 inhabitants) making the constitution of the public interest group necessary for the creation of a departmental house for disabled people. The disabled Barthélomeans will therefore continue to depend on the MDPH of Guadeloupe, and will not cost one euro more to public finances. Paradoxically, Saint-Barthélemy will be able to acquire a departmental council of citizenship and autonomy (CDCA), this provision being maintained ...
Friday, December 24 - the failures of compensation.
Thursday, December 23 - Associations/Citizenship - The UNADEV Serre Les Boulons.
The Communication Manager of the National Union of the Blind and Visual Lands (UNADEV) sent an email on December 6 to administrators and executives to intimate them. This message was sent to them three days after a request for an interview with the president and the director general of this association criticized for some of its methods and the orientation of the shares it offers thanks to its 30 million euros of budget Annual, including 25 million mainly collected "in the snatch" (read this survey published on December 17). "The online information site Yanous dedicated to disability, has requested the communication department, our president and perhaps some of you to question them on" recent events that shake the UNADEV ". Following an interview bringing together our president, our director general and myself, we decided not to follow up on this request in the current context […] If you are solicited by a media, we recommend with our President and our Director General, not to respond to it and quickly contact the Communication Service, to avoid putting you in difficulty and putting the association in difficulty. The opportunity for the response and any language elements will be established collectively. Elements of language, it looks like grabs with a ministry or a political party, while members of the UNADEV simply ask for the return of democratic practices. Reading this news may disappoint them ...
Thursday, December 23 - Politics - L'Huma instrumentalized.
The communist daily life is not known to assess and boast the policy conducted by the current President of the Republic and founder of the La République en Marche (LREM) party, Emmanuel Macron. However, he published on December 1 a platform written by a movement created by a LREM activist and which serves him in practice as a transmission belt (this is how an organization is called in favor of a political party and provides him with activists, such as during his first years SOS racism for the Socialist Party). There, the association for taking the disability into account in public and private policies of Matthieu Annereau (activist Les Républicains spent in LREM in 2017) managed to erase its pro-macronist side to the point "to abuse" the Communist daily Who has only seen the disability label of the gallery he published, forgetting that he offered visibility in his readership of an organization which supports the action of Emmanuel Macron. Asked about this instrumentalization, the editorial staff of humanity courageously took refuge in silence ...
Wednesday, December 22 - The Intox of the week.
The environmental municipality of Bordeaux (Gironde) will employ "PV sulphateuses" for disabled parking users to register or withdraw a ticket on the parking lot next January. The city will indeed put into service automatic verbalization cars (LAPI) without visual control of a free title, in total offense with the recommendations of the National Information and Liberties Commission (CNIL) and with the law of March 18, 2015 which exempts disabled users from any formality. The latter are forced to go to the municipal police office to carry out the formality whose digital version will only be operational next month. They can only have one vehicle recorded, which will force them to withdraw a parking meter ticket in the event of transport by another, and will make their movements more complicated and tiring. The town hall awkwardly justifies it with the daily Ouest-France daily: “The National IT and Liberties Commission (CNIL) prohibiting photographs of the interior of the vehicle, the LAPI cannot photograph the windshields, and thus check that card is present ”. Ready pretext since the controllers on foot systematically photograph the windshields to justify their verbalization in the event of dispute of users. Controllers who will travel to a scooter to check the presence of a parking card as soon as a specific horoditing ticket has been removed. In addition, the CNIL clearly recalled in November 2017 that the legislation "prohibits decision -making producing legal effects on the sole basis of automated treatment", which Bordeaux will do.
Tuesday, December 21 - Leisure/Eccidence - Marius juror 2022.
The French Confederation for the Social Promotion of the Blind and Amblyopes (CFPSAA) appeals to the blind or visually impaired moviegoers to participate in the jury which will award the Marius 2022 rewarding the best audio -registered film."The CFPSAA AudioDescription panel has been committing for many years in favor of the development and quality of audio -registration.Building on this experience, in 2018, he decided to reward quality by choosing the best audio -writing of the films selected by the César Academy in the "Best Film" category so that the voice of the visual deficient is better understood.For this 5th edition, the jurors will receive the soundtrack of the selected films.The candidates must apply before Sunday January 16, 2022 by writing to, explaining what motivates them.The AudioDescription Marius will be allocated towards the end of February.
Monday, December 20 - Digital/Administration - Promise not filled.
A few days before the end of the year, 28 of the 242 formalities of the State's flagship procedures are achieved by disabled citizens. The Minister of Public Function and Transformation, Amélie de Montchalin, had nevertheless promised on September 6 that 80 of these formalities achievable online would be put in accessibility before the end of this year; Paradoxically, the percentage of formalities reported as taking into account the handicap has dropped from a point, at 14%, since this declaration of the Minister: "By 2022, two key objectives to complete the commitment of the President of the Republic : 0 Daily approach in 100% paper, and, with Sophie Cluzel, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister (sic!) In charge of disabled people, digital accessibility for people with disabilities, with an objective of 39 % of approaches accessible in 2022 (against 15 today). This promise divided by two the government objective of February 2020. To date, 55 formalities are inaccessible and 115 are partially. It is therefore impossible to create an online company and if the purchase of a tax stamp or the income declaration is partially possible, this does not mean that the formality is achievable which is equivalent to an inaccessibility. The same is true for consulting a child's school book. The subsidy request is completely inaccessible, and partially, and therefore random school and university registrations. On the foreign affairs side, it is not possible to register on the file of crisis situations or to apply for a job or to vote in the consular elections. On the other hand, we can easily declare weapons to the Ministry of the Interior, but the "online complaint filing" or "for scams committed on the Internet" do not exist at all ... online. The demand for social housing is not achievable, as is the certificate of vaccination against the COVVI-19. Read this article.
Saturday December 18 - Health/Social - PLFSS 2022 partially validated.
The Constitutional Council has deleted several provisions of the social security financing bill for 2022 (PLFSS) adopted by Parliament on November 29, because they did not have their place in this text according to the rules of law. This concerns in particular the creation of local ethics committees to assess certain medical research projects, the modification of the legal framework for compression or isolation measures applied to hospitalized people without their consent, the creation of a professional card for Home assistance workers and quality and security managers in dental or ophthalmological centers, the mission entrusted to the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) to ensure equal treatment between territories For requests filed in the departmental houses of disabled people, the modification of the evaluation of medico-social establishments. The Constitutional Council has validated the extension to orthoptists of the realization of visual assessments and prescription of corrective lenses and contact lenses, and the screening of amblyopia and refractive disorders in children, provisions intended to fill the deserts medical in ophthalmologists. Masseurs-physiotherapists will be able to "exercise their art without medical prescription for a period of three years, in six departments" as part of an experiment.
Saturday, December 18 - the initiatives of the week.
Friday December 17 - Materials - Threatened armchairs.
The project to reform the conditions for taking charge of wheelchairs agitated the debates of the National Assembly on Tuesday. Arrested by the communist deputy Pierre Dharréville then the socialist Laurence Dumont, the secretary of state for the disabled, Sophie Cluzel, defended her draft decree decreed by associations of disabled people by affirming "we build this reform with them". It does not give up establishing a period of five years between each change of chair but simply to authorize an early renewal "with regard to its state of wear and the evolution of disability", which would lead to the obligation to justify. She claims that the free choice of the equipment would be maintained and that it would be possible to have two armchairs "if the need is identified and objectified" which will require to justify it by formalities. The beneficiaries would no longer be forced to restore their chair when a new one is handed over. However, it does not return to the obligation to rent the most suitable armchairs (which constitutes an aberration for personalized vehicles) or on the drop in the care rate. The minister's responses contradict her preliminary remarks, "allow simplified and faster access to quality wheelchairs". The restrictive arrangements included in the first draft decree led to strong reactions to the high risk of losing the funding, even partial, of the "replacement legs" that are wheelchairs for people with disabilities.
Friday, December 17 - the failures of compensation.
Thursday December 16 - Transport/Accessibility - The Red Arrow arrives.
The Italian high speed train Frecciarossa (red arrow) will serve Paris and Lyon from Milan from Saturday, two daily round trips at first. It is the luxury version that the public operator Trenitalia (ferrovia traveler branch dello stato) employs to compete with the SNCF on the high-speed line Paris-Lyon, to conquer professional customers by offering them two business and Executive classes with The latter of individual and spaced reclining seats; A round trip is achievable during the day which corresponds to the request of this customers. If these Italian TGVs are open to disabled travelers, the purchase of places is problematic: the customer who pays the normal rate is not informed of the location of “wheelchair” places and the possibility of traveling like the others In Business or Executive, in a quiet car (Silencio) or noisy (Allegro), a single accompanist price is offered but the reservation being distinct we cannot know how the placement on board with the person with reduced mobility, accompanied, will be carried out, It is not specified if all the handicaps (mental, visual, auditory, engine) are affected by this rate and which document makes to benefit from it (the general conditions of sale written in French refer to specific rates for disabled travelers to only Italian regulation and disability cards). Asked about these three subjects, Trenitalia France did not respond. This entry of the Italian company is the first competitive exploitation of a French high speed line wanted by the European Union.
Wednesday, December 15 - Health - Experimentation of medical cannabis.
On the thousand selected people, 779 continue the experimental protocol for the use of cannabis to reduce the neurological pain caused by a chronic disease. Organized by the National Agency for Medicines Safety (ANSM), this protocol has been modified due to confrontation with realities, raising quotas, extending the range of usable products and their use to palliative care. The Île-de-France region is particularly favored, all the pathologies selected benefiting from structures that can apply the protocol, unlike other regions as evidenced by the cards published by the ANSM. The most represented pathologies "are refractory neuropathic pain, the painful spasticity of multiple sclerosis and certain forms of pharmaco-resistant epilepsy". Launched at the end of March, the experiment must last two years before possibly evolving towards a sustainable prescription for certain chronic or disabling conditions. This recognition should prevent some patients with disabilities to be prosecuted for consuming cannabis (read the news of October 12, 2015).
Tuesday, December 14 - Accessibility/Transport - Paris destroys accessibility.
Creation during the health crisis of cycle paths called "coronapists" is carried out at the expense of the docking of buses at stopping points.This is particularly the case on the Grands Boulevards since the installation of concrete borders that keep bus remotely.On the other hand, the instructions for maintaining the accessibility that must be respected by companies that carry out road works, very numerous currently, appear less respected which makes pedestrian traffic difficult, even perilous for users in wheelchair forced to'borrow the road or roll on smashed soils;Again, the climb or descent of the bus turns out to be perilous and sometimes impossible.Faced with the almost total inaccessibility of the Paris metro voluntarily maintained by the municipality, the bus network constitutes the only solution to travel for disabled motor users.
Monday December 13 - Leisure - producers to see absolutely.
Several times postponed because of the Coronavirus epidemic, the French version of the musical, the producers is playing at the Théâtre de Paris for a few months. Created by Mel Brooks in 2001 on Broadway according to her own film, she tells how a producer of "musicals" on the verge of bankruptcy will bail out by hatching a scam at the expense of his sponsors; For this, he must set up the worst piece staged by the worst director, and he retains as subject "flowers to Hitler". This follows a succession of comic, wacky adventures mixing all the obsessions of Mel Brooks (women, sex, gays, Jews by being himself, etc.), summoning a blind and a paralytic, a Ballet of wanderings, to the ridiculant show the Third Reich. "The producers" constitutes in this French adaptation a success of humor, a lively musical spectacle and remarkably served by its actors-singers-dancers. The icing on the cake, they are accompanied by real musicians! The producers, Musicale by Mel Brooks adapted and directed by Alexis Michalik, at the Théâtre de Paris in the 9th arrondissement, at least until the end of February 2022.
Sunday December 12 - Leisure/Parents - Lila Fête Noël.
Julie-Anne Karsenty offers illustrations by Mélissa Laurent a new album intended for parents wanting to communicate in sign language with their toddlers.In Lila Fête Noël, third album from the Sign with Bébé collection (read this presentation), we follow the little girl in her discovery of the universe of this end-of-year celebration by learning each time a new word presenting thefamily members, chat included, and various objects.We follow Lila to the crèche where she makes an advent calendar, her games in the snow, the enlightenment of the Christmas tree then the party, etc.Each sign has been drawn with its dynamics, then taken up in the final rhyme that is found in YouTube video using a QR code.Lila celebrates Christmas, by Julie-Anne Karsenty and Mélissa Laurent, Hat Editions, € 10.90.
Saturday, December 11 - New fiasco of ambassadors.
As was predictable, the recruitment of a thousand accessibility ambassadors is a complete failure. Only 23 civic service missions were filed in 2021 by town halls and local authorities, on the thousand announced on May 25 by the Secretary of State for Disableds, Sophie Cluzel, and her colleague in charge of engagement and youth , Sarah El Haïry. The multiple calls, including that launched on November 16 by the Secretary of State for Persons with Disabilities at the Congress of Mayors, had no result. Among the reasons for this failure, we note the lack of national piloting of an action whose interest remained to demonstrate; Since April 2019, it is no longer possible to deposit a scheduled accessibility agenda with a view to delaying a compliance. In addition, recruitment is difficult for the few communities that are tempted. For example, the city of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) has not recorded any applications, and would be in trouble to deal with them because of the health crisis which imposes the maximum of telework when you have to supervise young people who go on field. And La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée) was unable to recruit only one young person, who started working alone while pairs are required for this action.
Saturday, December 11 - the initiatives of the week.
Friday December 10 - Transport - Kevin Fermine dismissed.
The Bordeaux Court of Appeal (Gironde) has decided to resist the judgment of the Court of Cassation which asked it to decide the dispute between an engine handicapped client, Kevin Fermine, to the SNCF (read this focus). The first reproach the second the inaccessibility of its trains preventing from using the toilet and accessing the bar car as soon as you move in a wheelchair. The Bordeaux Court of Appeal judges that the evidence provided by the complainant are not convincing and even disputes a bailiff's report. It appears from this judgment that the magistrates who judged on file and written elements ignore the reality of the travel conditions of disabled customers: the SNCF has perfectly renovated the first TGV trains (formerly orange) by enlarging their toilet compartment which has become usable in armchair Rolling, employees are not allowed to help disabled customers wishing to use the on -board chair (when it is still present in the wagon), none of the TGVs put into service since 2015 allows access to the car bar . In this regard, the SNCF still refuses to provide information on the placement of disabled travelers aboard the next TGVs, as well as for access to the bar car. The content of the judgment also suggests that an SNCF client must before any prosecution take dated photographs, identify the date of commissioning of the wagon in which he travels, in short, act as a rail transport expert. Kevin Fermine plans to form a new cassation appeal which would lead the high court to judge both the application of the law and the facts.
Friday December 10 - Education - canteen and extracurricular on January 1.
The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, will not reject the deadline for care by the municipalities of supporting disabled students outside class hours. It is in substance what he replied to the centrist senator Jean-Pierre Moga reminded him that "judgment of the Council of State of November 20, 2020 […] considers that it is to the local community, and no longer It is up to the State, to ensure the funding of supporters of students with disabilities (AESH) on meridian and extracurricular time. This financing transfer must take place on January 1, but the municipalities were only informed of it at the end of last month, according to the senator. The Minister did not mention the date of implementation and was content to indicate the possibilities of agreement between municipalities and National Education, while praising the current AESH assignment system to students, "a human reality , because it must be, if possible, that the AESH is the same throughout the day, throughout the week, or even throughout the year […] our new organization as close as possible to the field, to Through the inclusive poles of localized accompaniment - or Pial - seems to me to allow us to find pragmatic solutions. However, the deployment of PIAL actually prevents students from having the same AESH throughout the year since the latter are assigned according to the personnel present and not the needs of children or the allocation notifications by the Departmental houses for disabled people.
Friday December 10 - the failures of compensation.
Thursday, December 9 - Sports - World Para Athletics 2023.
A year before the Paralympic Games, Paris will receive the 10th Handisport World Championship and Sport adapted from July 8 to 17, 2023. It will be the 3rd time that this competition will take place in France since its creation in 1994, after Villeneuve d ' ASCQ (North) in 2002 and Lyon (Rhône) in July 2013; Among the organizing nations, only the United Kingdom has twice welcomed this World Cup. The organization is entrusted to the French Handisport Federation (FFH) and the events will take place at the Charléty stadium which already receives the international Handisport Open Paris competition. Para athletes will be housed at the International City located 500 meters; The Olympic village of Paris 2024 will not be used, its site not being completed during this period. The training would take place in the neighboring municipalities of Châtillon and Montrouge. 2,500 participants are expected, including 1,700 athletes representing 120 countries which will compete for the 172 gold, argnet and bronze medals awarded. If the 2002 World Cup was a popular success, that of Lyon 2013 essentially received only school public or medico-social establishments despite the free public in the competition.
Thursday, December 9 - Accessibility - Conviction of Occitania.
The headquarters of the Occitanie Regional Council was sentenced last July for the poor design of an elevator intended essentially for motor disabled visitors; Its users are indeed encouraging great difficulties of use for lack of space, explains the Handi-Social Defense Association. The president of the region, Carole Delga, decided not to appeal her conviction by the Toulouse administrative court (Haute-Garonne) and to put the installation in compliance with the regulations. But paradoxically she also instructed a design office to develop a "manual for better quality of use of public buildings" which presents design and development advice to go beyond the regulations without any time at any time Recall the minimum standards to be respected. This very verbose document does not refer to the regulations in force at any time and the diagrams can mislead, as well as certain advice if building professionals do not master the accessibility rules that are not specified. The writing of this manual cost € 50,000 to the Occitanie region, specifies Handi-Social.
Wednesday December 8 - Institutions/Justice - The APAJH Federation reacts.
Splashled and accused of laxity due to legal proceedings for alleged financial crimes of the last two directors of his association of Indre-et-Loire, Cathy Münsch-Masset and her husband Guillaume Masset, the Apajh federation sent us this reaction. "APAJH Indre-et-Loire is an independent and autonomous association in its management. She herself recruits her employees. The Federation does not intervene in the strategic choices of associations and in nothing in daily management. The APAJH federation was a civil party. Due to harmful and reprehensible actions, it has undergone heavy damage in terms of reputation and renown, since the name of APAJH is irreparably associated with the facts alleged against the Masset spouses, which inevitably came to tarnish the image of the National Federation. A complaint was made to breach aggravated trust and receipt of aggravated trust. The Federation specifies the technical advisory support it brought to the APJH 37 when changing director at the end of 2016: "Publication of the announcement. CV reception. Analysis and sending of 12 CVs including that of Mr. Masset to the APAJH association of Indre-et-Loire. Choice by the APAJH association of Indre-et-Loire to retain 6 candidates for a telephone interview, including Mr. Masset. Choice to receive in interview a shortist of 3 people including Mr. Masset (Maintenance commission in physics led by the Departmental Association). Final choice by the departmental association of Indre-et-Loire ". The APAJH Federation does not however take a position on three questions that has been asked: replacement of a executive executive with a spouse or close relative, management control of departmental directors since in Indre-et-Loire the president affirms n 'Having not spotted the diversions of money, cumulation of function of a leader or his spouse with political responsibilities at the risk of an offense of interference.
Tuesday, December 7 - Institutions/Policy - APAJH 37 is scandalous.
The bill authorizing local authorities to modify the application of legislation and regulation is examined this week by the National Assembly, after its adoption by the Senate on July 21. The Assembly's Law Commission, however, has abolished several negative provisions for disabled people: restriction on access to active solidarity income and departmental social assistance, use of the disability compensation service "to other charges », Differentiation of town planning, construction and housing rules. The current text entrusts the presidents of the departments with the coordination of the development of inclusive housing and authorizes them to manage aid for shared life. Amendments unadvantaged by the government and therefore non-concerted reforms medico-social establishments in the age of reception and authorization regime, authorizes them to support "in ordinary living environment", simplifies orientation in Labor assistance establishments and services whose users will be authorized to work partially in an ordinary environment in independent status. The Government has added the automatic delivery of the recognition of the quality of disabled worker to young people aged 16 and over benefiting from the education allowance for the disabled child, the compensation service for the handicap or A personalized schooling project.
Saturday December 4 - Politics - Valérie Pécresse with presidential elections.
The members Les Républicains voted 61% in favor of Valérie Pécresse to make it the candidate of this right -wing party, after a primary which dismissed the favorite Xavier Bertrand from the first. Presented as less extremist than her challenger Eric Ciotti, she nevertheless displays xenophobic proposals in her program, the restriction of access to naturalization and family reunification would impact disabled foreigners. She would like to have the domestic violence judged in maximum 15 days, increase low wages by 10%, bring retirement age to 65 years without exception for disabled workers, bring the work week to 39 hours, create a status of 'family caregiver to develop their professional activity. In terms of disability, it offers school inclusion until the end of college "whenever possible", will ask employers to commit to recruiting 6% of disabled workers, wants to simplify procedures, revalue trades From specialized support, deconjugalize the disabled adult allowance and entrust the entire medico-social to the departments. Current president of the Ile-de-France regional council, aged 54, Valérie Pécresse was Minister of Higher Education and then of the Budget during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. We note that the website of this candidate does not comply with accessibility rules and that her program is presented in image format completely inaccessible to blind or visually impaired citizens.
Saturday, December 4 - The initiatives of the week.
Friday December 3 - Deafness - LSF in the Constitution.
Le mouvement politique Sourds & Malentendants En Marche (SMEM), émanation du parti fondé par l’actuel Président de la République, Emmanuel Macron, saisit la journée internationale des personnes handicapes pour demander l’inscription de la Langue des Signes Française dans la Constitution de la Ve République. Il espère ainsi une meilleure inclusion des Sourds actuellement limités dans leur vie par le manque d’interprètes et le peu d’enseignement de la LSF, obliger l’administration et les services publics à recevoir les Sourds dans leur langue sous peine de sanction. Outre un communiqué revendicatif, SMEM diffuse un rapport élaboré par le guide-conférencier Alexis Dussaix et la conseillère départementale LREM de la Nièvre Anouck Camain exposant la problématique, la réponse dilatoire du Président de la République à la députée LREM Caroline Janvier soutenant cette démarche et celle six mois plus tard de la secrétaire d’État aux personnes handicapées, Sophie Cluzel, qui oppose un refus : après avoir rappelé quelques actions en faveur de la LSF, elle conclut que l’inscription de cette langue dans la Constitution n’est pas « opportune ».
Friday, December 3 - the failures of compensation.
Thursday, December 2 - Allowances - The Assembly rejects deconjugalization.
Two of the three parliamentary groups of the government majority refused the abolition of the spouse's income and assimilated in the calculation of the disabled adult allowance (AAH). On the initiative of the Communist group, the deputies examined in 3rd reading a bill containing this provision refused by Sophie Cluzel, secretary of state for disabled people. The latter has again invoked family solidarity and various other arguments beaten by the opposition speakers and the Agir together group, which is nevertheless part of the majority. After the rejection of the amendments to restore the text adopted by the Senate on October 12, only the deputies of LREM and the Modem voted the text which will have to continue the parliamentary shuttle. During the debates, we learned that the Prime Minister had rejected the request made by six parliamentary groups of the National Assembly and the Senate to convene a joint joint committee to definitively examine this text. Read in editorial.
Thursday, December 2 - Accessibility/deafness - Alert on CRT.
The Acces’Sourd collective fears the abolition of accessibility to telephone communications for deaf, hearing impaired, deaf or aphasic. Its alert results from the consultation process launched by the ministers concerned and aimed at revising the law and the regulations applicable to the center-relay of telephone conversations that they concern personal communications, with administrations, public services and commercial companies (read This article). "The government has taken the initiative to propose scenarios, of deep and total reorganization of the market, none of which can benefit from a proven guarantee of efficiency while destroying the existing human and economic ecosystem whose efficiency, She is proven, ”worries the collective in a press release. If he was finally partially integrated into the discussions, he dreads a total overlapping of the existing system: "How can the government afford to take initiatives without any guarantee of success which, if they lead, will necessarily call into question The thousands of jobs created and the hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries, including in particular and precisely deaf or hard of hearing, both in direct and indirect jobs, thus allowing access to employment, maintenance and career development of These persons ". The report of the reform mission of the Center-Relais Telephone created since October 8, 2018 was to be delivered on November 23 by Jérémie Boroy, president of the National Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities (CNCPH). The Secretariat of State for Persons with Disabilities refused to confirm the delivery of this report to the three ministers concerned, and the date of publication of this document.
Thursday, December 2 - Autonomous life - Order of the 5th Risk Autonomy.
The Official Journal publishes the order of the President of the Republic relating to the implementation of the creation of the fifth branch of the general social security regime Autonomy.From now on, it is the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) that will finance the costs of care, accommodation and transport of users of medico-social establishments, among other provisions.This "functional" and illegible ordinance results from article 32 of the social security financing law for 2021, and from the government will not to draw up a law on the autonomy of the elderly or disabled submitted to Parliament andnational debate.
Wednesday, December 1 - Company - Cluzel opposed to abortion.
Interviewed by Marie-Amélie Lombard-Latune, journalist for opinion, Secretary of State for Persons with Disabilities, Sophie Cluzel, clearly told her personal opposition to the voluntary pregnancy interruption whose realization could soon go from 12 at 14 weeks. "Personally, I am not in favor of it [...] The real subject is to be able to inform women, on contraception, we must really make great information. We have to accompany women. This is a problem of information, territorial network, support for women. I am extremely for supporting women. If Sophie Cluzel notes that the extension of the legal deadline for an abortion was adopted by the majority government in the National Assembly, she wanted to express her opposition "personally". These words confirm what relatives of Sophie Cluzel murmur about her opposition to the voluntary termination of pregnancy in the name of her personal convictions. However, the Minister's declaration is not found to be a declaration of the medical interruption of pregnancy after diagnosis of significant malformation or serious affection of the fetus, which can be practiced without limit of delay. [Addition of December 4: interviewed on TV5 Monde on December 2 about the risk of restriction of abortion in the United States, Sophie Cluzel answers: "It is very worrying, it is a questioning of freedoms that have been acquired by women for women […] These freedoms must be defended all the time ”. The expression of Madame Cluzel varies from a TV tray and from one country to another ...]
Wednesday, December 1 - Infox of the week.
"Autism A real asset for the company", this is the title of a press release released by an association via a communication agency. And there is no shortage of arguments to praise the specific qualities of autistic people presented as a particularly profitable workforce: "Autistic people able to work are a real vivid force for the life of a business because they have many Qualities that are sought by employers, particularly in the industrial or logistics sector. With appetite for example, for repetitive work where the margins of errors are thin, the missions framed to the nearest millimeter and a strict organization of tasks which does not give way to the unknown. Clearly, very wise and obedient robots. “Adults autistic autists are severe are very good workers and offer employees of companies a great source of joy and well-being. Welcome to this world of cake!
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