Departmental elections.Canton of Sablé-sur-Sarthe.A duel for the second round
By Julie Hurisse published Leles Nouvelles de Sablévoir my news
Two pairs will oppose the second round of the departmental elections in the canton of Sablé-sur-Sarthe, this Sunday, June 27, 2021.
Four pairs appeared in the canton of Sablé-sur-Sarthe.At the end of the first round, the outgoing departmental advisers, Martine Crnkovic and Daniel Chevalier (various right), come very largely at the end of the first round, this Sunday, June 20.With 53.8 % of voters and 2,711 votes.
Their score is final for this 1st round.The mayor of Louailles and vice-president of the CDC of the Sabolian country and the mayor of Juigné and president of the CDC of the Sabolian country do not obtain 25 % of the registrants who would have allowed them to be elected in the first round.
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"We remain cautious"
"I am very happy, I have the stage fright at each election.This time perhaps a little more because it is one of the last, "reacts Martine Crnkovic.Daniel Chevalier, his pair is "surprised" by the scoring but "as long as the election is not over, we cannot predict.We remain cautious and modest ”.
For the elected official, the score reflects "the work carried out for a long time".He looks at his opponents and estimates "that opposite, there are no people who have an anchor of elected official, apart from M.Mareau but it was not responsibilities ".
"The match is not won"
In second position arrives the surprise pair of these elections: Frédéric Jugnet and Murielle David who presented themselves in the colors of the presidential majority.They get 843 votes, or 16.7 % of voters.
Frédéric Jugnet displays a "deep republican respect before the vote"."We were in the total unknown.We are an atypical pair, we are not in codes or in speeches ”.
For the second round "we are going to campaign without changing our way of doing things, very aware that the match is not won".And it displays satisfaction "that the FN is last.It reassures me about the people I come across every day ”.
" I don't understand "
On the third step Rémi Mareau and Bernadette Flament for Uni.e.s.With 745 votes (14.8 %).
SAblé opposition municipal councilor, the only candidate on the left is disappointed not to pass the first round bar."It is the votes of shortbread that put me in it," he analyzes.
A satisfaction, however, for the candidate "to be passed before the FN".
On the fourth, actually the RN which is far from being qualified for the second round as in the last departmental.Véronique de Subercasaux and Louis Virfollet total 734 votes or 14.58 %.
74 % abstention
The wave of abstention has not spared the canton which displays 74 % abstention."We expected it but it is harmful to everyone," said Daniel Chevalier."The true legitimacy of elected officials is to represent the greatest number".
In addition to the problem of distribution of professions of faith, Martine Crnkovic points to "the automatic election of young people on the electoral lists.Most do not come to vote and that's a real concern ".
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