Finally, the books prohibited for sale at Fnac and in large distribution
At the request of the SLF, the Ministers of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot, decided, at the end of a meeting associating, in addition to the SLF, the FNAC, the National Union of the'Edition, the SDLC and the large distribution brands (U system, Carrefour, Leclerc, Auchan Casino, etc.) The closure of the “book” rays in the stores of these brands.
This decision will apply from tomorrow morning, Saturday October 31.It aims to restore a more equitable competition situation between bookstores and brands.
The SLF has supported this solution by highlighting two points:
The closure of the rays delivers all physical stores, if it partially restores competition, offers "a boulevard" to Amazon to the detriment of physical trade and therefore solves only part of the problem;
The restoration of truly equitable competition can only go through the reopening of bookstores.Bruno Le Maire and Roselyne Bachelot, personal favorable to this reopening, have committed to working with the SLF on the sanitary conditions which would make it possible to examine the feasibility of such a reopening in fifteen days.In this crucial period for all, it would be good news for booksellers, but also for the entire sector, starting with the authors and publishers.
The two ministers also committed to re -examining, as of next week, the question of a privileged postal rate for the shipments of books made by the booksellers, the SLF having recalled that, on this point also, the competition with Amazon whichinvoice at loss the shipping costs was completely distorted.