Hospital: elected officials from Langres country overturn the table
The conference of mayors on health, which was held on Wednesday September 29, 2021 in Peigy, led to a surprise informal vote devoting the desire of a majority of elected officials in favor of a single hospital between Chaumont and Langres.This point could appear on a motion given to the Regional Health Agency.
The outcome of this meeting on Wednesday, September 29, above all intended to present the new strong proposals of the territorial and rural balance of balance (PETR) on the health theme (read also), surprised.Many estimated the “train” passed, and it was also the meaning of the intervention, in the preamble, of Bernard Clément, for the Territorial Development Council (CDT): “It clearly appears that the interest of the inhabitants ofTerritories of Chaumont and Langres requires the choice of a unique hospital.The site must be close to the highway and equipped with a heliport.This option, unfortunately, seems to be moving away, for political reasons that escape us. "
"One, the unique hospital;Two, we'll see where "
It was this political situation that was overthrown on Wednesday evening.Very quickly, the debate focused around this issue."I want us to maintain all establishments.But do we just have the means?Are we able to have two surgical poles?What if you only have one, what is its positioning?"Launched André Noirot, the mayor of Bourbonne-les-Bains, who was even clearer in an intervention, moreover applauded:" If there is a first study to do, it isthat of the place.I say it frankly: first, the unique hospital, and then the place!».
"The two hospitals are infused with millions"
Regional councilor and former mayor of Langres, Sophie Delong, who ardently defends the option of the unique hospital in Rolampont for years, has embarked on a passionate plea: "You have to be aware of reality.The two hospitals in Chaumont and Langres have been infused with millions by ARS for years.Financially, we will not do two hospitals on a living area that decreases!It's the patient who counts, and if we continue like that, we will lose everything!I did not move.We may say that I am a background, but what was proposed 15 years ago is always valid, and even more urgent than ever ”.
"The department to rebuild Chaumont, without dropping Langres"
Bernard Gendrot recalled, for his part, the successful example of the common establishment built between Belfort and Montbéliard: "Like Sophie, I would have liked, 15 years ago, that it is done ...".The first vice-president of the departmental council, however, recalled the spirit of its president's approach: "The department is ready to finance the reconstruction of this Chaumont hospital, but it does not want to leave Langres aside".
A vote on the vote ...
In fact, the mayor of Langres, Anne Cardinal, announced that he had reached Nicolas Lacroix on Monday afternoon, and welcomed the content of a peaceful interview.Like the president of the PETR, Eric Darbot, who did not expect it obviously, the first Langrois magistrate appeared surprised by the turn of events: "For the unique hospital, we must not forget the problem of health transport, knowing howthat we have a very old population ”.His deputy, Nicolas Fuertes, worried about a "leakage rate" to Dijon which would still be increased by such an option.
To the PETR union committee to validate
Taking advantage of a motion proposal to the ARS formulated by the departmental councilor and mayor of Bourg Dominique Thiebaud from a motion to ARS, several elected officials, including the mayor of Val-de-Meuse Romary Didier, demanded a voteInformal and symbolic to include the will "of a single hospital between Chaumont and Langres".Little packed, Eric Darbot expressed his wish to delay: "Isn't it better to wait for the ARS medical project?».Faced with the pressure, and after making a vote on the opportunity to vote, he fell.The proposal collected a large majority of favorable opinions -44 out of 71 elected officials present.He now returns to the Petr union committee to validate it.
Nicolas Corté