How to be beautiful naked: the concept, the first images everything you need to know about the show
To know everything about how to be beautiful naked, the new TFX show is in this article!
After revealing you a few days ago, the date of broadcast of the Miss World 2021 election which has been postponed, the editor of melty offers you to know everything about how to be beautiful naked, the new TFX program. Il s'agit du reboot de Belle toute nue, l'émission d'M6 qui a connu un véritable succès durant plusieurs années.Remember, it was presented by William Carnimolla and aimed to restore confidence to women who were complexed by their bodies without going through a diet or by the cosmetic surgery box.These had to carry out several stages such as that of the mirror, the line up but also of the naked shoot.After all this, the candidates of the program received advice in order to learn to enhance themselves and to love each other.But then, will the concept of how to be beautiful naked will be the same as that of beautiful naked?
La réponse est oui chers meltynautes ! Dans un communiqué de presse, TFX a présenté son nouveau programme comme une manière de prôner le body positive."There is not a body standard: the bodies are all different, unique and that's what makes their beauty!"First explained the TF1 group television channel.Then, she clarified: "In each episode of how to be beautiful naked, two women with moving and strong personal stories, will successively engage in all intimacy on their discomfort, their complexes and truly surpass themselves ...".To support them in this adventure, candidates of the show will be able to count on the support and advice of a personal development coach.
Zak Khchaï replaces William Carnimolla
Zak Khchaï is the personal development coach of how to be beautiful naked. Sa mission ? Permettre que les femmes qui participent à cette expérience prennent confiance en elle, acceptent leurs corps et s'aiment.As with the M6 program, the young man will accompany the candidates during several stages (the mirror, the line up, the naked shoot) who have only one goal, change their state of mind vis-à-visherself.Then, finally, women will have to take up a final challenge: that of parading in underwear in front of an audience made up of their loved ones but also simple strangers.For the first unpublished issue, broadcast on TFX from Wednesday January 12, 2022 at 9:05 p.m., we will discover Stéphanie and Marina, who both need to change the look they take to their own bodies.Will they succeed in achieving it?To find out, we will have to wait a few more days.