How to treat bruises and bruises naturally?
No doubt have you ever heard about the raw cutlet to treat a black butter eye and other more or less serious bruises.But how about pineapple?If this tropical fruit made it possible to relieve the blues of professional boxers, could it interest you?
Two doctors that I hold in high esteem seem impressed by an old study concerning the ability of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme (capable of digesting proteins) present in pineapple, to treat bruises.
In the research framework, bromelaine was administered to 74 boxers covered with blue, while 72 other boxers also abused received a placebo (substitute devoid of effect).Among those who received the placebo, 14 healed in four days.But among the boxers who took bromelain, 74 % healed in four days.
What is its mode of action?Bromelaine seems to inhibit the formation of prostaglandin E2, a chemical of the organism which intervenes in inflammatory processes.It simultaneously stimulates the production of prostaglandin E, an anti-inflammatory chemical.
Pineapple - Source: SPM
Pineapple is not a panacea
These dark marks, between blue and purple, called bruises, are caused by a hair blood leak just under the skin, generally after a shock or injury.As for the eye with black butter, it appears more often in men than in women, while the Blues manifest themselves more frequently on the legs of a certain age.If I was a charlatan, I could recommend pineapple juice or pineapple to treat this disorder.Press releases would be rather fun to write: "Recent works confirm traditional practices: pineapple pugilist relief disfigured by blue eyelids".
I must say, however, that I am not so favorable to bromelaine.Besides, I do not think that pineapple and bromélaïne represent the best natural approach, whether for the prevention or treatment of bruises.In pineapple, bromelain is only present at very low levels, and only 40 % of this already low quantity are transmitted from the digestive tract to other parts of the body.
But then, what about pure bromelaine? After all, the latter is sold in a large number of dietary stores. Naturopaths, who really believe in it, recommend taking 150 to 450 milligrams three times a day and on an empty point to treat the Blues, many sports injuries, swelling and inflammation. It is possible that it is as effective as the naturopaths say, but personally, I would rather recommend fruit which contain a lot of vitamin C and flavonoid bio, in particular oranges and other citrus. Bioflavonoids are beneficial nutrients found in many foods rich in vitamin C. Taken together, these nutrients help strengthen the walls of capillaries, which makes them more resistant to blood leaks at the origin of the Blues . When blues are present, vitamin C and the Bio Flavonoids help the walls of the capillaries and, consequently, the Blues, to cure more quickly.
Plants to the aid of the Blues
While feasting on pineapple and citrus, why not try other plant -based treatments whose virtues are scientifically demonstrated?
Arnica - Source: SPM
Arnica (Arnica Montana).
This plant, also called the fall in falls, is well known in the treatment of the Blues.
Arnica, which has analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, is to be reserved for external use.However, you can prepare a therapeutic lotion using a teaspoon of dry plant by cup of boiling water.Leave to infuse, then cool and then apply using a clean cloth.You can also prepare a solution using Arnica dye, a few drops per cup of water.There are also trade -based arnica ointments, most often homeopathic.Be sure to obtain a product that contains up to 15 % arnica oil and follow the indications on the instructions.
Honenuckness - Source: SPM
Honeysuckle (Hamamelis virginiana).
The astringent properties of the leaves and the honeysuckle bark made this plant a popular remedy much appreciated for all kinds of epidermis problems, from the Blues to the varicose veins.Hamélis water is sold in pharmacies.
CONSOUDE (Symphytum pharmacy).
CONSOUDE is among the oldest plant remedies to treat skin problems;It was already used in Greece in antiquity.Modern researchers have discovered that it contains allantoin, a chemical substance that stimulates the healing of the epidermis.The Allantoin is part of the composition of a certain number of trade creams for the skin.
Scientists have also discovered that comfrey is also an anti-inflammatory.This is why they approve of its external use to treat bruises, dislocations and sprains.To treat the Blues, an expert in plants recommends first applying freezing compresses, able to first emergency, then a saturated bandage of console herbal tea.
By acting quickly, it is possible to avoid the Blues up to a certain point.
It is probably judicious, on the other hand, not to ingest comfrey, because it contains pyrrolizidinic alkaloids, toxic chemicals for the liver.Its safety is controversial.
Millepertuis - Source: SPM
Millepertuis (hypericum perforatum).
This plant contains a reddish oil that oozes as soon as you touch the plant, so that it seems to bleed.According to tradition, we started using it to treat the skin simply because the skin is also bleeding.Even if such reasoning seems naive to us today, we have been able to scientifically verify that this plant is useful, up to a certain point, for the treatment of bruises, burns, cuts and other injuries.Try it by macerating one or two teaspoons of dried plant over the days.Then use this oil to treat the Blues.
Parsley - Source: SPM
Parsley (Petroselinum Crispum)
The fact of regularly applying crushed parsley leaves on a blue will help the latter disappear in one or two days.I intend to use parsley the next time I have a blue.
Potato - Source: SPM
Potato (Solanum Tuberosum).
The old of the old claim that raw potato is more effective than a cutlet to treat a black butter eye.Me too.Old semi -vegetarian stingy that I am, before using meat, I would undoubtedly take potato and some other plants.
Grape - Source: SPM
Grapes (Vitis Vinifera).
According to some naturopaths, the chemical substance present in grape seeds and the pine bark would reinforce the capillaries of our body.Thus, they would better resist traumatic shocks causing the Blues.I admit that I am not entirely convinced about this.By mixing grape seeds with grape juice, you will get this substance for free that is sometimes found in the form of expensive food supplements.
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