Connection Ivoirienne Mafia du Terre against the Ebrié Lagoon in Côte d'Ivoire: journalist N. Konan's letter to Ouattara
Bruno Koné, Philippe Légré, Dah Sansan and the Ezzedine cited
What will President Ouattara do?
Another incredible business that puts large hats from the RHDP regime in power.The journalist of Investigation Noël Konan, the one who had been talked about in the Pandora Papers affair, disgusted by the damage caused to the Ebrié lagoon, decided to write to the President of the Republic Alassane Ouattara.Object: denounce the great corruption on the acquisition of plots resulting from this aggression of the lagoon and which compromises the environmental balance in the short and medium term.Below this letter full of revelations.
Open letter to the President of the Republic, Alassane Ouattara
Mr. President of the Republic, above all, allow me, to sacrifice to tradition, wishing you, in this year, my best wishes.
That being done, I allow myself, through these following lines, to inform you, as a committed citizen and very in love with Monpays, of what is happening on the Ebrié lagoon. I remember, Mr. President of the Republic, that on the occasion of your traditional message to the nation, you posted a soreness about the future of Côte d'Ivoire. "Since you have granted your confidence, we have known, together, after year, significant advances and undeniable progress in our Pays," you said on December 31, 2021. Effectively, Mr. President of the Republic, not to do the Important advances and progress in our country would be shown in bad faith. However, Mr. President of the Republic, let me say that despite these advances and progress, the country goes badly. The President of the Republic, why The country is going badly in my opinion? Mr. President of the Republic, despite this economic embellishment and this economic growth, the Ivorians have a crucial starving need. Your fellow citizens that we are, need to change dementality and behavior, a sine qua non condition, to achieve a development. Look at how our collective efforts for a rich and prosperous nation built is undermined by poor governance, corruption and lack of transparency in the management of publiques.
Mr. President of the Republic, I am happy that this realality does not escape you and that is a good thing.You have even understood that good governance and the fight counteracting corruption are one of your priorities for the year 2022. "We are building a national consciousness imbued with the values of integrity, equity, and aHigh sense of responsibility in public public behavior.It is in this context that I decided to establish to start from 2022, a price relating to good governance and the struggle of corruption ", you announced during your intervention.Corruption and the defense of particular interests at the expense of general interest today the highest shared counter-values within Desivoiriens.What a pity !
Mr. President of the Republic, let us return to my concern relating to the Ebrié lagoon.Do you know what's going on for several years on this lagoon?
Formerly, this lagoon which ennobled the image of the economic capital, Abidjan, at the international level to the point of being called the pearl Deslagunes, is today the shadow of itself and it is on the point ofeyes.
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know why?I imagine that not. I therefore allow me, Mr. President of the Republic, to put it on this problem.
Mr. President of the Republic, according to the decree of September 29, 1928 regulating the public domain and the public utility servitudes in Côte d'Ivoire modified by the decree of September 7, 1935 and decree n ° 52-679 of June 3, 1952, are partof the public domain: lakes, ponds and lagoons within the limits determined by the level of highest waters before overflowing with an area of 25 meters Delarge from these limits on each outer bank and on each edges of the islands.
Mr. President of the Republic, on reading this text emanating from the executive power that you are currently playing, the Ebrié lagoon therefore does in the public domain.In other words, the lagoon belongs to the State of Côte d'Ivoire.
Aware of this reality, you have, Mr. President of Larépublique, taken in July 2019 Decree No. 2019-591 of July 3, 2019relative to backfilling, to endorsement, Random of the sea and the interior waterways inView of preservercette lagoon against man and his harmful practices.And in accordance with articles 2 and 3 of said decree The backfilling of the shores of the sea and interior waterways, in particular the lagoons, the rivers, the lescheneaux, the salted ponds, the berries and the rivers communicating with the sea is prohibited.The arrangements by container, riprap or by all other types of work likely to modify the aspect of the shores of the sea and the interior waterways, believed prohibited.
Mr. President of the Republic, despite the existence of these regulatory texts, a land mafia, in perpetual quest for plots of land, raging in Abidjan, has taken over this areapublic area: the lagoon. And this has been striving, for years, to gradually make this generous gift of nature, enefting backfilding in defiance of the texts in force, with the finality: obtaining land intended for sale. The Republic, do you know who are the members of this mafia? It is made up of an influential Lebanese family in Côte d'Ivoire and who has made a fortune in this country? This female is none other than the Ezzedine, owners of the Carréd’or group. This family benefits from the very active support of your collaborator, Mr. Félix Miézan Anoble, Minister of PME promotion, Crafts and the transformation of the informal sector, ex-collaborator of said group. In addition to this high authority, there are the current leaders of the Autonomous Port of Abidjan (PAA), taxadres of taxes, precisely the conservation of the property and mortgages and mortgages and village chiefs. -You that the autonomous duport leaders of Abidjan, sheltering behind the famous formula "in the context of the extension of the port zone" gave in to the village of Abia Gnambo dit Petit Bassam, part of La Baiede Biétry and de Vridi, without any decree of downgrading of the authority of the author competent in the matter?
Do you know, Mr. President of the Republic, that after this "donation" of the port, the head of the said village community requested the companyjade Invest (whose financiers are none other 32 hectares? Do you know Mr. Leprésident that the land obtained following this embankment have been the subject of vertiginous prices to private companies? And yet the decree you made in 2019 is quite clear on this subject. "Nueloperation of backfilling or arranging the shores of the sea and interior water design must be carried out for economic purposes, in particular for the needs of building real estate operations," warns article 8 of this text. To this end, Mr. President of the Republic, I will provide you with the list of buyers who appear several companies in the Carré d'Or group. Hydrocarbons of the Ivorian refining company (SIR) has been strongly undermined speaking illegal backfill of the lagoon banks of Vridi? And yet the SIR, also a state -owned company, has obtained a special occupation permits of the public domain of the Vridi water canal before installing its dam.
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that your Collaborator, Mr. Bruno Nabagné Koné, Minister of Construction, Housing and Town Planning, in a tweet dated June 29, 2021, had written this: "And, to all So useful, I remind you that no property title, nor any building permit will be issued by the Mclusur the plots illegally backfilled. Preserve and valuers the natural site of the city of Abidjan ... "? Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that despite his tweet, Mr. Brunonabagné Koné issued several final concession decree (ACD) and building permit on these illegally backfilled plots? Mr. President of the Republic, do you still know that same directors of the port of Abidjan, still hidden behind their famous and the Ezzedine family have undertaken major work to be found on the lagoon bay of Biétry which is not part of the port of port, in flagrant violation of procedures in the occupation of the public domain ?
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that in 1998, when they are acting to extend the territorial limits of the port, this was only posted following the signing of decree n ° 98-151From March 25, 1998, thus extending the port area to Locodjro, Boulay Island and Audordon Littoral?How is it therefore that the port domain suddenly serene at the level of the lagoon bay of Biétry without any inclusion?
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that Messrs Tourézoumana, Director of Domaine et du Patrimoine and Dah Sansan, Magistratet Director of Legal Affairs of the port, affectionately called leprocureur of the port, ignore the procedures for the occupation of the public domain? President of the Republic, do you know that they are laconfusion between an authorization to operate the public domain issued by decree of the Minister responsible for Maritimeset and a decree approving the study of environmental impact Etsocial of backfilling issued by the Minister of the environment? Mr. President of the Republic, do you know the arguments advanced by the director of legal affairs of the port of Abidjan to justify this illegal occupation of the public domain? "The environment ministry is a dismemberment of the state and it is the only entity to which we had to write for authorization. They gave us authorization, "said the latter. What confusion! Mr. President of the Republic, do you know the last one of the said leaders? From now on, they take shelter behind Ledecret n ° 2016-138 of March 09, 2016 approval of the Urban Planning Diaper of the Grand Abidjan to justify the Lagunaire Public Dudomain Occupation. And yet, this decree does not confer a property title but it is rather an urbanization plan for the economic capital.
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that once this is carried out, the leaders of the port have proceeded to the DUTERRAIN fragment obtained in plots to give them then, at gold prices, to Desparticuliers or Private Societies through Conventions'Occupation of the port domain?
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that in the exercise of my function as a journalist, I was threatened and intimidated by Lecolonel Diarrassouba, the first manager of the Port gendarmerie? Mr. President of the Republic, do you knowAlso the Dealconclu by the Ezzedine and the chief of the village community of Abiaabety to the detriment of the lagoon?
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that Abroh Alain Aaron, chief of the said village, pretending to extend his village to justify the backfilling, had secretly signed, an agreement to the backfill of 407,000 m² of Lagunaire Lagunairede Biétry with Jade Invest? Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that the Duvillage chief of Abia Abety without even waiting for the end of the works had already resigned on February 5, 2019, a village certificate to yield to the Global ManateIvory (GMCI) belonging to the Grouparré d'Or a plot of 10 ha 93 to 09 CA obtained by backfill in Lazone de Asna?
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that your Ex-Minister, in charge of Maritime Affairs, Mr. Philippe was authorized on December 23, 2020, without any public inquiry Decommodo and Inccept, the company Jade Invest to carry out work on the public domainLAGUARY IN THE LAGUARY BAY DEBIETRY ON 407,000 m²?
Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that it is following the platinas of the Biétry residents, threatened with flooding following the work developed by Jade Invest, that your collaborator, Mr. Philippelegé finally canceled on January 28, 2021 his decree? President of the Republic, do you know that the depth of the Ebrié lagoon has passed, according to a study carried out, of 3 meters deprocusing about thirty meters today because of the dredging and uncontrolled sand and the multiple aggressions of the 'Man? The height, Mr. President of the Republic, do you know that the special Labrigade of fighting anarchic backfilling of the Maritime and Fluvio-Laguna Domaine, created on July 21, 2021 by your Collaborateur Dr. Serey Doh Célestin, Secretary of State of State to the dualist of transport, in charge of maritime affairs, does not have a 4x4 type vehicle and two motorcycles to accomplish his mission? Mr. President of the Republic, that ELS Results This brigadespecial can carry out with these modest logistical means and without a nautical machine?
Mr. President of the Republic, here is a question of Mapré Occupation about the Ebrié lagoon, seriously threatened by this mafia of land.
Mr. President of the Republic, to finish, do you know what is the most ardent wish?I would like this aggressionjustified against the Ebrié lagoon, public domain, that we have grown and that we are supposed to preserve and leave to the generations to cease.
Mr. President of the Republic, knowing how to rely on your deterthine and personal involvement for the neutralization of thismafia of land without faith or law, I beg you to receive the deepest greetings.
Noël Konanjournalist of investigation and member of several International Networks of journalists
NB: Mr. President of the Republic, a complete survey conducting several months relating to this land mafia and all its modeoperative will be published on the days to come to better enlighten you.
Maybe an outdoor image