JT presenters: the secret of their looks revealed by their stylists
© France 2 1/5 -anne Sophie Lapixpar Nathalie Vigneau
Anne-Sophie Lapix, Anne-Claire Coudray, Audrey Crespo-Mara, Leïla Kaddour, Carole Gaessler...They are journalists, but are also concerned with their image on the air.And use stylists.
On September 4, Anne-Sophie Lapix's first news, on France 2, was certainly the most watched in France for its novelty and brand new decor (5.8 million viewers against 5.6 million for TF1)).But what was also very commented on on the web was the journalist's red dress.As for the plan on the legs of the ex -animator Dec to you -New camera axis authorized by the new plateau -, it has even been controversial.""The zooms on the legs were annoying"", ""why we are shown his legs to Anne-Sophie Lapix.Never seen those of David Pujadas...""underline Internet users.This summer again, it was Audrey Crespo-Mara who was reproached by Jean-Michel Aphatie his red dress, the evening of the Barcelona attacks...Before her, Anne -Claire Coudray still undoubtedly regrets her leather dress - too sexy - which let glimpse her nipples in 2014 and made the buzz.
They are not dolls!
In short, impossible for journalists not to watch out for their outfits!They too have recourse to the services of stylists.Each week, these ""little hands"" come to offer them a choice of clothes, loaned by brands, depending on the morphology and the tastes of each.Anne-Sophie Lapix maintained her confidence in Bénédicte Guenneteau, who dressed it for four years in C to you.The latter says: ""For the news, Anne-Sophie remains herself.She is chic and classic by nature.She likes three -hole dresses, those with small sleeves, carries the pants and the tops in knitting very well.We did not even speak upstream of what she wanted, it is a kind of continuity and we are going better and better adapt to the lights of the tray.""Because the purpose of the info remains to be able to focus on the bottom.""We are there to save them time, confirms France Thébault, who dresses Leïla Kaddour and Carole Gaessler, especially.But these are not dolls.We do according to what they like.Sobriety is essential in information.""
Brands that lend their clothes...
The lady even founded eighteen years ago Télévisionstyle, a specialized agency which includes a department dedicated to information, another to entertainment, etc.. ""Pour un JT, on ne doit pas parasiter les propos de la journaliste avec un stylisme trop voyant ou décalé, continue-t-elle. En gros, un look réussi, c'est un look qu'on ne commente pas !"" À charge donc de trouver le moyen de se renouveler dans ce cadre formaté qui ne tolère aucune extravagance. ""Il faut être jolie, féminine et trouver le juste équilibre entre le 'bateau' et le 'trop couture'"", confirme Bénédicte Guenneteau.The Télévisionstyle agency even has a creation center. ""On réinterprète par exemple le thème de la robe noire avec une surpiqûre, une découpe sous poitrine, une emmanchure...», Tells us France Thébault.The brands that lend their clothes, they do not have a direct return because at the news, no question of credits in the credits.On his site, Télévisionstyle also deciphers the look of his journalists by citing, incidentally, the brands...A rather clever elevator referral.And if by chance, you want to play it like Leïla or Audrey...
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© TF1 2/5 -Anne-Claire Coudray.© TF1 3/5 -Audrey Crespo-Mara.© FRANCE 3 4/5 -Carole Gaessler.© FTV 5/5 -Leila Kaddour.PrécédentSuivant 3 commentairesCommenterPartager cet articleOn the same subject
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AnonymeLe 17/02 à 20:47terrible the weather presenters of France 2 make a competition of taste of taste and lack of elegance.It is incredible every night a dress with shoulder shoulders, too large, a skirt with a hem at the end of the rear 20 cm lower than the front, colors 1970, a ugly belt, grace doing something!even a simple jeans with a small sweater would be better.Or deschian typical weather
00RépondreSignaler un abus AnonymeLe 15/03 à 20:22She wears too large and poorly cut dresses.Between showing his nipples and disguising himself as a defrocked missionary there may be a limit?
00RépondreSignaler un abus AnonymeLe 30/09 à 23:19No elegance ,,,,, !!
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