Kenya: an application to formalize informal traders ·Global Voices
From our correspondent in Nairobi,
The Gikomba market is one of the largest and busiest in Nairobi. Judy Achieng is one of the many merchants who populate his alleys. For 20 years she has held a stand for dried fish and has incorporated the Asilimia application into her daily life.
"I use it to write down my statements. Sometimes my supplier calls me to find out how many products he has sold me two or three weeks ago. Thanks to Asilimia, it's easy, I go to the app and I find the transaction ", she explains. "before, I had to write everything down in a notebook, but it's easy to lose it. While these readings are important, it allows me to see at the end of each month whether I am selling at a loss or making a profit. "
An application that allows him to better manage his business. And pay its suppliers without transaction fees. All for $3.50 a month. If it so wishes, the application may also provide it with access to micro-credits. An essential point for Tekwane Mwendwa, co-founder and CEO.
Assistance in accessing banking services
The Leja app, with its digital account book, allows small traders to present their financial balance to the banks. A process that Asilimia wanted as simple as possible. Demonstration: "then that's what they see in the application. We ask them if it's a return or a cash out. Let's say, for example, a re-entry. We indicate the method of payment, the date, the product, the receipt if they have it … And hop: they can use this data to access loans.
Today, Leja has 27,000 users. Boosted by this positive start, the young start-up does not intend to stop there. The next objective is to set up a USSD system for payments. An operation that does not depend on an Internet connection, which will reduce the duration of transactions. Asilimia also aims to provide zero-rate loans to its users. Or to establish itself in the rest of the African continent.
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