More united, more green, more spiritual: our advice to celebrate Christmas differently
Over the years, Noël has become the festival of hyperconsumption and individualism.Many people want to live this celebration more consistent with the original message of the celebration of the incarnation: sobriety, simplicity, conviviality.Here are some tips for preparing to live the Nativity differently.
1.A more united Christmas
Do not wait.To party a real moment of sharing, it is better to get into it From the beginning of December.And what could be better than advent, precisely a waiting and start -up time, to prepare internally ... or in terms of logistics?
A lire aussi : Pendant l'Avent, préparez des boîtes à chaussures pleines de surprises pour un Noël solidaireWhere to start ?Above all, starting From associations rather than your own ideas or desires.Many structures organize solidarity wakes up with isolated people, others, long -term actions.To see more clearly, contact the associations closest to you, to identify their needs: volunteering, donation of money, food, clothes or toys?Your approach will thus be more productive.
Secours Populaire, for example, has just launched the national campaign of Green Christmas Fathers.The principle: Organize actions (collection, gift paper at the exit of stores, charitable evenings) throughout the month of December, to allow families welcomed all year round to celebrate Christmas at home with gifts and an improved meal.
A lire aussi : Un Noël solidaire : ils l'ont faitFor its part, the Foundation of France organizes waking ups of solidarity for 25,000 single and weakened people, everywhere in France.Many parishes also organize a solidarity Christmas Eve, especially in the context of the solidarity winter operation in several dioceses.And the needs are far From stopping there!
Beyond the associative aspect, individual initiatives are also welcome.Young mother, Solweig decided to make an inverted advent calendar.Instead of containing a small chocolate, the initiative invites you to make a solidarity gesture per day: a small sacrifice, help to a stranger ...
A lire aussi : Le calendrier de l'Avent inversé : une fausse bonne idée ?"And on weekends, there is a small spiritual gift and an invitation to a quality on Sunday," explains the young Catholic.Christmas is an opportunity to please those we love, but for those who cannot afford it, I wanted to take advantage of Advent to offer a little of my time, money and productsessential to those who need it.It also allows me to prepare for the Christmas party internally.Be careful, again, it is better to learn before the real needs of people, so that generosity is really attentive, and not overwhelming.
2.A more ecological Christmas
Electric garlands, gift paper, overconsumption ... Every year, the end of December is subject to many excess, which have direct repercussions on the ecological level.However, many more sustainable alternatives exist.
First the Christmas Eve menu.Why not opt for substitutes for foie gras, which is produced From the forced force -feeding of geese or ducks, or caviar, composed of sturgeon eggs whose species is threatened?Without completely giving up seasonal classics, organic or wild salmon, oysters (whose shell goes to compost) or organic langoustine can be more ecological choices.
A lire aussi : Cuisine : Les épluchures s'invitent à l'apéroEven better: the vegetarian meal!According to the National Institute for Agronomic Research, it would take around 15,000 l of water to produce a kg of meat.So, this year, why not vegetables in slippers or a mushroom risotto?
Engaged in a zero waste approach for three years, Éléonore and her husband wanted to apply it in their own way of celebrating Christmas.And it starts ... with gift wrap."It always hurt my heart to see all this thrown paper, which is often not recyclable.So the Dijonnaise replaced it with immense fabric bags, or reused cardboard boxes."I most often use a kraft bag for gifts to Friends, and fabric for the family.»»
A lire aussi : Réduire ses déchets… et son budgetTo fight against accumulation under the tree and overconsumption, it can also be interesting to reconsider what is offered: gifts whose manufacturing and raw materials are of quality so that we keep them longer;intangible gifts like concert places or facial care;Useful gifts rather than gadgets, asking each other what they really need ...
On the other hand, second -hand products are increasingly imposed in the way of consuming French, which limits the carbon footprint of objects - while being more economical.For purchases of second-hand objects, books, toys or clothing, many sites and applications exist: Label-Emmaus.Co,, Luckyfind.FR or VINTED.Fr.Be careful, however, with their addictive effect!
3.A more spiritual Christmas
And because Advent is used above all to prepare internally for the Christmas party, the essential Advent calendar can be a great way of living a spiritual time (as long as it is not limited to discoverychocolates!).Emmanuel editions have just released a Fratelli Tutti calendar, inspired by the last encyclical of Pope Francis.Prayer applications Youpray and Hozana also offer a little spiritual weather per day during the four weeks preceding Christmas.
Some abbeys also invite volunteers to come and spend a few days to prepare for the birth of Christ.After a year of Cavid break, around sixty monasteries in France and Belgium welcome young people to live spiritual and resource weekends, until December 18.Operation name: Break at the monastery.
A lire aussi : Hausse de la Fréquentation des abbayes avec la pandémie : « Les gens ont besoin de retrouver un sens à leur vie»»And why not fully take the plunge and live the Christmas night in an abbey?Many monks and nuns offer those who wish, alone or not, to come and live a spiritual time for Christmas Eve on December 24 or even from 31. C’est le cas, notamment, des Frères dominicains de la Sainte-Baume, dans le Var.From December 21 to 25, they offer a retirement entitled Christmas Provençal, at the foot of the Sainte-Baume massif, in Provence.
Les Foyers de charité organisent également plusieurs retraites en France, de même que l’abbaye de Rhuys qui propose une retraite de Noël sur le thème « Notre Dieu est un Dieu surprenant !»» Bref : les propositions ne manquent pas, alors prenez date dès maintenant !
«The essential lies in the relationship»»Témoignage de Charlotte et Jean-Jacques Schmitt, six enfants, coopérants Fidesco pendant deux ans à Madagascar."Malagasy only place the crèche on Christmas Day.They thus experience a real advent, preparation time for our hearts at the arrival of the Savior, without race for gifts.In 2019, we went to the village of our nanny on December 25.We offered tiny present - pencil, ring, plush, etc..- For each child and share our two cakes in… 70 parts!Everyone held their micropart as if it was a treasure, it was very touching.Last year, my husband disguised himself as Santa Claus.It was an explosion of joy!They know how to have fun with so little.In Madagascar, Christmas is a big family party.Almost all the money goes into the menu: the Malagasy buy a chicken, a goose or even a pork, and rice.There is often no entry or dessert.They are poor but they are together.The essential lies in the relationship.In France, the misery equals that of Madagascar.Here, it is more social than economic.How many people celebrate Christmas alone… In 2016 already, we wanted to invite an isolated person, but no association had contact to give us.However, we added a cover to our party table.At mass, a man sat next to us.We invited him.He melted in tears: he was a retired priest, very moved to live this warm moment before returning to his pepmed.This year, we would like to participate as a family in Christmas Eve on December 31 organized by the little brothers of the poor, with the elderly.»» Interview Stéphanie Combe