After a flamboyant show of three hours, at the early hours of Monday morning in Eilat, Miss India Harnaaz Sandhu was crowned Miss Universe during the 70th edition of the beauty contest. At level ...
By Florian Brassart published on the update on Oct 24 at 16 to 16: 53Actu Pas-de-Calaisvoir My news Sang et Or rose against Metz this Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 3 p.m.RC Lens (Pas-de-Calais) has ...
Even at 12 noon and stalled at the same time as the Euro and the Tour de France, Masked Oval did not miss the first test between Australia and France.The end of the match feasted it ... by masked oval published leactu ...
By Benjamin Aguillon published Le78Attue my news less than a week after the start of the school year, around thirty Atsem and teachers in the city were on strike and demonstrated this Tuesday, September 7 in Mid ...
Toulouse has two high schools who managed to rank in the top 10 of the general competition.Saint-Sernin and Fermat have several students who won this national prize.
By Julie Hurisse published Leles Nouvelles de Sablévoir My news two pairs will oppose the second round of the departmental elections in the canton of Sablé-sur-Sarthe, this Sunday, June 27, 202 ...
The Portes du Tarn in Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe and the former Dyrup in Albi have just obtained the "turnkey industrial sites" label. These areas will be able to develop more easily.By Fabien Hisbacq Publ...
By Rédaction Actu Published onLa Presse de la MancheSee my news After the call for calm, a new escalation: London announced, this Thursday, October 28, that it wanted to summon the French ambassador in re...
Until the end of October 2021, many activities are offered in Pamiers (Ariège) on the theme of space in partnership with the CNES.By Fabien Hisbacq Published onActu OccitanieSee my news By name...
The Pélissier photovoltaic power plant in Albi will be inaugurated on October 1. The next day, visits to the site will be organized for the inhabitants.By Fabien Hisbacq Published onActu OccitanieSee mo...
By Nicolas Zaugra Published onLorraine NewsSee my news 2 p.m., rue Gambetta which leads to Place Stanislas is almost deserted this Saturday, July 31, 2021. Enough to give gray hair to this business...
Listen A study, published in March 2010, by the French-American foundation (1), examines the problem of discrimination in hiring that would exist in France vis-à-vis people with a first name...
The colorimetry of half-hables knowing only two shades, any questioning of Europe, even if it returned to the last degree of neoliberalism, is the beginning of a warlike abomination, ...
Germany has decided to demarcate and reconfine part of its population following the discovery of a new home concerning the German government was clear: you should not take R ...
Since last week, several smartphone applications have disappeared from Google's play store.This measure therefore makes their download impossible, and brings a blow to several tens ...