Reserved for subscribers by Tristan Vey published, put to Jouren Quest for the third type (5/6) - Given the gigantic number of potential worlds, how is it that we have never received a screw ...
In the United States, universities have introduced positive discrimination measures in favor of African-Americans in the 1960s. But they are indirect, and certain states have returned to C ...
In an interview led by Christophe Bieber and Florian Lafarge, Jean-Pierre Bel, former president of the Senate (October 2011-September 2014), returns to his report to Latin America and his mission ...
It was the time of happy globalization.The one where, in Europe as in the United States, many thought, in the wake of the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, that the fall of communism Marq ...
-The President Joe Biden said on Saturday that he was informed by the US military leaders that an attack was highly likely within 24 to 36 hours at Kabo airport ...
Figarovox.-What assessment can we draw from the beginnings of Joe Biden to the Presidency of the United States?Did he manage to establish himself as the head of a coalition of democracies, as he aspired? Renaud ...
Interview |We are still waiting for the announcement of the first Taliban government, after the departure of American troops on Monday.A page of history for Afghanistan and the United States, in particular.And...
After the announcement of a spectacular military alliance in the Indo-Pacific Zone, the American president, Joe Biden, continued to advance his pawns in the region but in a more "informal ...
The 76th session of the UN General Assembly was to mobilize the planet around the climatic emergency.The blunders of the Biden administration with regard to its allies have diverted attention, ...
A few months ago, I gave a conference on the future of work.When I have cited some conventional examples of the increase in productivity thanks to remote work, skepticism ...
Avoid the nervous crisis.And display a united front in front of Russian escalation: it is she who "threatens peace and security", asserts the EU. Article reserved for Journalist subscribers in the world of the world ...
Reserved for subscribers by Pauline Castellani published, put to Jourdécryptage - in the Grand Book of Perfume, Hirac Garden explains the three olfactory stages between the nostrils and the brain. • Detection ...
Buying a car, finding a job, acquiring a property, emptying your cupboards, booking a hotel room ... Leboncoin is a bit of a whole life.It is also and above all a Terrai ...
(Etx Daily Up) - Is this the end of trends?Difficult to believe, and yet a new study reveals that they no longer interest the youngest in Japan, who prefer to dress according to the ...
The subversive nature of this collection lies mainly in its clothes.And not only because of the softened silhouettes, like the elegant CHAP SABLIER than rounded reverse ones ...