By Fanny Liaux GasquerellePantone therefore decided: it is a shade of purple pulling on the lavender that will be all the rage in 2022. The opportunity for Ideat to return to an announced and already approved trend ...
The sneakers you wanted are exhausted?Take a look at websites and resale stores.You can find all kinds of special or exclusive models there, but know that they will be all ...
On the occasion of the year of the bicentennial of the death of Napoleon 1er, this exhibition presents historical costumes of Empire style designed by the lady of Atours, an artisanal business business ...
In the pandemic context, more than before, a renewed conception of CSR in emerging countries can lead to exceeding the simple logic of "repair" of the damage caused by ...
The former vice-president of the Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec draws up the (provisional?) Asset of his political adventure in France published on Nov. 17 2021Jean-Christophe Laurence La Presseles Location ...
While a migrant was found dead in Wissant (Pas-de-Calais) in a boat Thursday, November 4, "there is a multiplication of attempts to pass through the English Channel", affirms on Francei ...
Psycho / sexo • # Psycho, stress, anxiety, advice, professional, bookparrino Gallo It is not a secret for anyone, the pandemic has caused an important discomfort in many individuals ... shared ...
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, on January 1, 2022, our country will ensure the presidency of the European Union for 6 months.It will be, for our country, a founding member of the U ...
The conference of mayors on health, which was held on Wednesday September 29, 2021 in Peigy, led to a surprise informal vote devoting the desire of a majority of elected officials in favor of a united hospital ...
The works on telework, and its managerial and organizational impacts, continue to proliferate with necessarily uneven quality.Precisely, two recent works, of different invoice, ...
A Carte Blanche by Clémentine Ronse, clinical psychologist at the Mental Health Service of Wavre, on behalf of several colleagues (see below) as mental health professionals, no ...
For years, teleworking has been expected as deliverance, especially in France where the delay on other countries was notable.But now that the pandemic has led to its generalized ...
Deemed as too invasive on privacy and inequality generating, work meetings no longer have the side after 4:30 p.m. Weekend watches. Article reserved for subscribers by Hélène S ...
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, on January 1, 2022, our country will ensure the presidency of the European Union for 6 months.It will be, for our country, a founding member of the Uni ...
Statistics are not entirely up to date, but Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, professor at the school of administration sciences at Teluq University, estimates the proportion of the Emps at around 40 % ...