The first hemp farms flourish in Calvados
By Benjamin Forant published Leliberté Caenvoir My News
In Martragny (Calvados), funny shoots dominate the fields of the Cooperative Agricultural Society Linière du Nord de Caen (Calvados), based in Villons-les-Buissons.Measuring between 1.50m and 2m, these hemp plants are the new experiment by Marc Vandecandelaere and Henri Pomikal, president and vice-president of the cooperative.
Little cultivated in France, this plant has large textile properties, such as flax widely cultivated in the fields of Normandy."There is a craze for natural fibers," says Henri Pomikal.
Hemp to replace beet
The idea of cultivating hemp was born from a trip.During a visit to China, Marc and Henri discover large features of hemp.A seed is planted in their minds.Some time later, the Cagny sugar refinery announces its closure.The cultivation of sugar beets therefore becomes useless in the sector.The two partners see here a great opportunity: replacing this beet with hemp in their planting rotations.We are talking about 12,000 hectares here.
"Like flax, hemp is a fiber for the future," explains Marc Vandecandelaere.It grows without treatment and stifles weeds, which will delight organic labeled operators.»»
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Harvest concerns
The main problem concerning hemp is his harvest.This is done differently from that of linen, with suitable equipment.After buying used Chinese equipment in July 2020, thanks to a first grant from the regional council, they contact a Belgian manufacturer of agricultural vehicles.Thanks to the first results obtained and a second subsidy from the regional community, they obtain a tractor prototype, allowing the perfect cutting of hemp plants.
This machine is the first of this type in the world."We are completely satisfied with the prototype that works perfectly well," explains Marc, relieved.It was not possible to do it with a linen uprooter, because the stem was far too high.»»
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Like flax, hemp needs to go before being picked up.In other words, after the cut, hemp is left on the plot until it rains in order to obtain a maceration allowing to spread the fibers.
Obviously, these plans have no THC, the main active cannabis molecule.The Cooperative Agricultural Linière Society of North Caen hopes to multiply its plantations by ten next year."This year was a test, we only planted 10 hectares of hemp. On voudrait semer 100 hectares en mai prochain»», conclut le président.
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