Two Lycées de Toulouse in the national top 10 of the general competition
Toulouse has two high schools that have managed to rank in the top 10 of the general competition.Saint-Sernin and Fermat have several students who won this national prize.
Par Fabien Hisbacq Publié leActu ToulouseVoir mon actuWe knew the excellence of Toulouse high schools, but sometimes they also translate into figures.Thus Toulouse appears twice in the national top 10 of the general competition of high schools.This ranking disseminated by Le Figaro Studiant is established as follows: there are the number of students from each establishment who obtain the famous national prize.In other words, these are already the best students of the best high schools who are in competition in several subjects.
And in this game, Toulouse has shone this year.Thus two high schools in the pink city appear in the national top 10: Saint-Sernin and Fermat.Saint-Sernin is in fifth position behind three establishments in the Paris region.But in front of the illustrious Henri-IV!The latter is just right in front of Pierre-de-Fermat, who arrives in eighth position.
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Two other high schools in Toulouse and one of low walls in the ranking
Other high schools in the Toulouse region are further in the ranking, with a single award-winning student: the Higher School of Trades in the Haute-Garonne Chamber of Trades in Muret, the Stéphane-Henzel high school and the Déodat-de-de Lycée-Séverac in Toulouse.
The successors of Victor Hugo and Emmanuel Macron
The general competition has been organized since 1744.The list of the most famous laureates brings together the cream of literature (Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset, Victor Hugo…)).Scientists are also legion (Henri Bergson, Louis Pasteur...)). Tandis que les politiques se bousculent à droite comme à gauche avec Jean Jaurès, Georges Pompidou, Léon Blum, Alain Juppé et même… Emmanuel Macron (qui l’a obtenu en français en 1994)) !
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