Vaccination pass: update, expiry, get it after Covid
“Vaccination pass: update, expiry, get it after Covid”
VACCINATION PASS. People who have had Covid and have received their two doses of vaccines must update their vaccination pass on February 1 so that it does not expire. How to get your pass after being positive? For traveling ? Transform your health pass into a valid and complete vaccination pass? Guide.
[Updated on February 1, 2022 at 5:41 p.m.] In force in France since January 24 (decree published in the Official Journal), the vaccination pass is compulsory from the age of 16 to access many places: leisure activities, bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports halls, swimming pool, interregional transport... To obtain it, you must have a complete vaccination against Covid (including a booster dose for those 18 and over) or present a certificate of recovery attesting to a prior Covid infection. From February 1, people who had Covid before being vaccinated must update their vaccination certificate so that it is considered complete and does not expire. Concretely, this update makes it possible to consider their second dose of vaccine as a booster (equivalent to three doses). Once the update is done, the certificate indicates 2/1 instead of 2/2. On February 15, the deadline for taking your booster dose will increase to a maximum of 4 months after the last injection. Nearly 5 million French people could lose their vaccination pass, estimates the Ministry of Health. What is it concretely? What date of entry into force in France? Mandatory in which places?
Definition: what is the vaccination pass?
The vaccination passport (or vaccination certificate) is an official document which certifies that the person has received all the injections of the vaccine against Covid-19 (two doses then booster or one dose then booster in the event of previous infection). In some cases, however, a certificate of recovery following contamination may be presented instead of the vaccination certificate. It is a "pass" which allows its holder to access bars, restaurants, leisure activities (cinemas, museums, theatres, sports arenas, sports halls, performance halls, etc.), fairs, trade shows, large shopping centers (decided by the prefect), interregional transport (planes, train, bus), or to travel to another country (if the host country recognizes its validity). On the other hand, the vaccination pass does not mention negative tests. It is therefore not the same thing as a health pass. The vaccination pass consists of the presentation of one of these three proofs (one of them is enough):
A derogation allowing the use of a negative test certificate of less than 24 hours as part of the "vaccination pass" will be possible until February 15 for people who have received their first dose of vaccine by then, pending their second dose.
As a reminder, the implementation in Europe of a vaccine passport had already been mentioned in January 2021. This was a document, in the form of a QR code or in paper version, attesting that a person has received a full vaccination against Covid-19. This sesame allowed him to travel abroad without a test and to access certain public places or events. Subject to controversy, considered too restrictive, discriminatory and unequal, the vaccination passport had finally been replaced by the health pass as it is used to date. But the Scientific Council, in an opinion of July 2021 recommended "the implementation of a vaccine passport, for individual purposes to be able to access certain "spaces of freedom" (restaurants, cultural activities, sports, etc.). Finally the idea will have made its way.
How to update your vaccination pass?
From February 1, people who had Covid before being vaccinated must update their vaccination certificate so that it is considered complete and does not expire. Concretely, this update makes it possible to consider their second dose of vaccine as a booster (equivalent to three doses). Once the update is done, the certificate indicates 2/1 instead of 2/2. It's necessary :
What is the expiry date of the vaccination pass?
A vaccination pass is valid if the vaccination schedule is complete. Otherwise, the proof of vaccination which serves as a vaccination pass has an expiry date visible under the QR Code, on the TousAntiCovid application.
What are the differences between the health pass and the vaccination pass?
For whom does it apply?
The vaccination pass concerns:
How to get a vaccination pass?
To have a valid vaccination pass, you must be able to justify (in digital format, via "My notebook" of the TousAntiCovid application) or paper one of these three health proofs (one of the three is enough):
Barring exceptions, the vaccination pass no longer includes the result of a negative Covid-19 screening test as proof. People embarking on a vaccination course until February 15, 2022 have the temporary possibility of benefiting from a valid vaccination pass, provided they receive their second dose within 4 weeks and present a negative test of less than 24h.
How to import your vaccination pass on your phone?
Each user can integrate their digitized evidence into the "Notebook" of the TousAntiCovid application to store them and easily present their certificates during trips or events where the health pass is required. It is also possible to store evidence for children or other relatives.
To import the vaccination certificate into the TousAntiCovid application:
Once the vaccination certificate has been imported into "TousAntiCovid Carnet," when you display it in full screen mode, you have access to two "Activity" and "Border" tabs. You can then present the corresponding certificate in the places where it is required.
To import a recovery certificate of more than 11 days and less than 6 months (4 months from February 15 for those over 18) as part of the vaccination pass, (positive test) in "TousAntiCovid Carnet", two solution:
How to transform your health pass into a vaccination pass?
In practice, there is nothing to do. Your vaccination pass (the current health pass) is automatically valid if you have a complete vaccination schedule or if you have a Covid recovery certificate attesting to recovery from Covid-19, dating back at least 11 days and less than 6 month. If you benefit from a complete vaccination schedule, it is issued one week after the second injection for double injection vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca); two weeks after the first injection for people who have already had Covid-19 and four weeks after the first injection for single-dose vaccines (Janssen). If you imported the QR code into TousAntiCovid after administering the booster dose, you have nothing to do. Your health pass becomes, with the same QR code, a vaccination pass. If you do not have a complete vaccination schedule or are not vaccinated, your vaccination pass is not valid.
Who has the right to a derogatory vaccination pass?
People who have not yet been vaccinated will be able to use a negative test certificate dated less than 24 hours as part of the vaccination pass until February 15, 2022 provided:
For access to interregional transport, people who do not have a vaccination pass may present a negative test within 24 hours in the event of a compelling family or health reason.
Is the recovery certificate valid for the vaccination pass?
A certificate of recovery is recognized as proof of recovery from Covid in the vaccination pass. To be valid, it must date from at least 11 days after the positive sample and less than 6 months (4 months from February 15 for 18 years and over).
What is the minimum age for the vaccination pass?
The vaccination pass is valid from the age of 16. Minors aged 12 to 15 remain subject to the obligation to present a health pass to go to the places concerned (including either vaccination against Covid or a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 24 hours). The booster dose is not mandatory for adolescents aged 16 and 17, they are considered fully vaccinated with two doses. The booster dose is therefore not necessary to maintain the validity of the vaccination pass for them.
Which places are affected by the vaccination pass?
The vaccination pass is required for access:
Like the health pass, the vaccination pass applies to the public as well as to people who work in places where it is compulsory.
Are not concerned: hospitals, clinics, accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) and retirement homes where the health pass will always be required. These establishments therefore remain accessible with a negative screening test, except in the emergency rooms of hospitals and clinics, where no pass is required. The vaccination pass is not required to access political meetings.
The vaccination pass required in shopping centers?
As with the health pass, the vaccination pass can be imposed for access to large shopping centers or large surfaces of more than 20,000 square meters by decision of the prefects, when their characteristics and the seriousness of the risks of contamination justify it, under conditions guaranteeing people's access to essential goods and services as well as to the means of transport accessible within the confines of these stores and centres. The control will be made at the entrance of the shopping center, and not at the level of each sign in the center.
The vaccination pass required at the hospital and in nursing homes?
The vaccination pass is not compulsory to go to the hospital or to an nursing home. The health pass is maintained for access to hospitals, clinics, accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) and retirement homes.
Is the vaccination pass compulsory on trains and planes?
You must present a vaccination pass for long-distance travel by interregional public transport, planes (domestic flights), trains (TGV, Intercités, night trains) and non-contracted interregional coaches. But travelers who do not have a vaccination pass can present a negative test in the event of a compelling family or health reason. Other modes of transport, in particular public transport, are excluded from the application of the vaccination pass. Transport to Corsica or Overseas France is not affected by the obligation of the vaccination pass. They will remain accessible with a negative screening test.
The vaccination pass required at work?
Olivier Véran had mentioned the idea of a health pass at work in an interview with France Inter, on December 18, 2021. He considered it useful to "ask the question of a health pass to go to work". But this possibility does not ultimately appear in the bill presented to the Council of Ministers on December 27, 2021. On the other hand, since January 24, 2022, the vaccination pass is compulsory for people who work in certain places where it is required for customers and users. This concerns employees, employees and apprentices aged 16 and over, volunteers, service providers, temporary workers, subcontractors who work in places, establishments, services or events where the vaccination pass is requested, except when their activity takes place in spaces not accessible to the public (e.g. offices); outside public opening hours.
Sources: Covid-19: a European health certificate, June 16, 2021 / WHO / Report of the National Assembly, December 30, 2021.
Vaccination pass: update, expiry, get it after CovidDefinitionUpdateExpiry dateDifferences health passWho does it apply to?How to obtain a vaccination pass?Vaccination pass on the phoneTransforming your health pass into a vaccination pass...
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