Why the hybrid work does not work
A few months ago, I gave a conference on the future of work.When I have cited some classic examples of the increase in productivity thanks to the remote work, a polished skepticism has crossed several faces in the audience.Afterwards, some managers revealed their despair."I love my collaborators," said one of them.“But they take much more time to do things at home.”
A lire également"Hybrid" work, a problem more than a solution
This is not a fashionable point of view.Some business owners sincerely think that greater flexibility makes everyone stronger - and many technological companies are happy to leave the coders, for example, dictate their own conditions.Elsewhere, while several companies are the subject of legal proceedings for having the temerity of asking their staff to return to the office two days a week, the CEOs revolve around the question of return, trying to attract the staff with'Cocktail Hours'.But while the talent race sweeps everything in its path, they may have unrealistic expectations.
More or less productive?
After the conference, I re -examined research on productivity.In the first days of COVID, home work seemed to be a winning solution.Studies on the hours of connection and disconnection of people suggested that many of them maintained or even increased their working hours.A survey carried out in 2020 with US office employees revealed that those questioned said that their superiors and their subordinates were more productive.But the painting [...]