Yvelines.Local shopping project project in Maisons-Laffitte: "We are on the right straight line"
By Nicolas Giorgi published on update on Jan 2 to 17: 1378 Actual my news
Re -elected for 4 years to the Presidency of France Gallop on December 16, it is with Édouard de Rotschild that the city will still have to negotiate to see its local shopping project finally pass hedges.
Edouard de Rotschild re -elected for 4 years to the presidency of France Galop
The businessman would have entrusted Jacques Myard, mayor LR of Maisons-Laffitte (Yvelines), that the closure of the Maisons-Laffitte racecourse was for him a "Crève-Coeur".
The bubbling elected Mansonnien, who congratulated him on his re -election at the head of France gallop the same day, wishes to take it to the words.
He also welcomed the fact that France Galop has agreed to take care of the maintenance of the tracks until the situation is decancing.
France Galop will continue to maintain the tracks
Eric Lauvernay (DVD) took this opportunity to relaunch it on this subject.
According to the elected official, the call for projects will end "during the first half of 2020.We obviously do not despair of resolving things from the second semester ... "
In the wake of Eric Lauvernay, it was Anne Lavagne (Modem) who sent the second salvo of interventions on this thorny file.The candidate supported by La République en Marche has been skeptical about the mayor's ability to bring back the prestigious races redistributed in the meantime to other racetracks.
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"France Galop reiterated us to the last meeting that the premium racing program was in their hands and that it is not the racetracks that choose the races," then retorted Véronique de Balanda, assistant delegated to horse -drawn activities, recallingPassage that he had a precedent there, in 1995.»».
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