5 tips for removing perspiration stains
Lorsque vous portez régulièrement un t-shirt ou une blouse de couleur blanche, vous risquez de voir apparaître des traces jaunes sous les manches, dues à la transpiration. C'est inévitable et ça arrive à tout le monde. Comment en venir à bout ? Suivez nos 5 astuces pour se débarrasser des taches de transpiration sur les vêtements.
Remove a sweated sweating spot with white vinegar
It's a secret for anyone: white vinegar is the best ally of everyday life.To remove yellow traces, he is again the right candidate.How to use it ?You will mix it with hot water in a basin, in which you will soak the clothes stained.Gently rub the areas to be treated before moving it to the appropriate program according to the material of clothing.
Baking soda to remove perspiration stains
Like white vinegar, baking soda intervenes in many situations.Here, you just have to add two spoons of baking soda in a bowl of water.Soak the clothes stained for several hours.You will then rinse it with clear water before moving it in the machine.
Remove yellow traces of perspiration with lemon
Rather than throwing half lemon hanging out in your fridge, use it to restore shine to your white t-shirt stained by perspiration.To do this, simply press the lemon in a bowl filled with water.With a clean cloth, you can apply the mixture directly to stained areas.
Remove stubborn perspiration stains with alcohol at 70 °
For perspiration stains encrusted in the fabric of your favorite top, use a damp cloth impregnated with alcohol at 70 °.Make circular movements on the stain to be treated, rinse everything in clear water and pass your garment in the.
Grandmother recipe to remove perspiration stains
There are many grandmother recipes to remove stains.When it comes to sweating spots on a garment, you just have to mix baking soda and lemon juice and rub the areas concerned.The mix of the two should help you get rid of the most encrusted spots for good (and easily).
Which of these tips are you going to test first to eliminate perspiration stains and thus wear the white t-shirt in all relaxation?