Brest.Fitxel, a clothing brand for geeks
Fitxel, contraction de fitness et pixel. La marque de vêtements sportswear a été créée à Brest en mars 2021 par les Brestois Alwena Bréhin et Rémi Quéré. Tous deux sportifs accomplis, adeptes du kung-fu à l’école Wushu de Brest. « Rémi est mon prof»», souligne Alwena Bréhin. « Nous avions envie d’avoir des vêtements qui nous ressemblent»», poursuit la jeune femme de 22 ans. Leur univers : les jeux vidéos, le manga et la pop culture. Un côté geek clairement assumé. « Un geek, dans l’inconscient collectif, a l’image du boutonneux, les cheveux gras et toujours derrière son écran, argue Alwena. Nous voulons casser cette image et jouer avec les codes.»»
A state of mind
The duo, with obvious complicity, is complementary.Alwena Bréhin draws models on paper.His acolyte, thirty, creates them on computer.Brestois today have a dozen products, mainly t-shirts and sweatshirts.Their creations are all winks to their environment: computer screen, helmet, expressions ...
Alwena Bréhin, registered as a master management since the start of the school year, took a year of caesura last year to launch the brand.His new training will be an additional asset to develop it.
Since the launch of Fitxel, around sixty products have been sold.In France but also internationally: in Japan or in the United States.
Brestois rely on an online store and communicate on social networks.
Alwena Bréhin and Rémi Quéré hope to market other products soon, including leggings and joggers."The goal is to offer clothes that can be worn on a daily basis and with which we can play sports.»»
"Our clothes are made by a French brand.Printing is provided by a company in Brest and another in the United States.But we have just found a French company. Notre but est que tout soit réalisé en France»», soutient Alwena Bréhin.And to insist: "We want to be a responsible brand, in the production and distribution process.We do not want to contribute to global warming.»»
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