Plan France Relaunch: Near Bayeux, the FRIAL company benefits from € 860,000
Agnès Pannier-Runacher, ministre déléguée auprès du ministre de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Relance, chargée de l’Industrie, était à Saint-Martin-des-Entrées, aux portes de Bayeux, ce jeudi 16 septembre 2021 dans le cadre d’un déplacement dans le Calvados consacré au rayonnement de l’industrie française.
Agnès Pannier-Runacher visited the frial frial dishes plant."A flagship of the local industry," she said in the audience, taking the personalities present to witness: "I doubt that someone in this room has never eaten one of the products prepared here.However, Frial is a hidden nugget of the territory, since the products are designed for distributor brands ”.
Founded in 1980, the company of seafood and frial frial cooked dishes is focusing on taste and cooking to win on the "Premium" market of the segment.Revenues, designed in collaboration with customers (distributor and brands brands), are developed on several production sites, in Saint-Martin-des-Entrées and Falaise.
Frial winner of the France Plan Relaunc
The Minister's visit brought to the France Relaunch Plan, which the company (re) has been launched by Jean-Marie Piranda has been launched since 2019.
“This company benefited from nearly 860,000 euros in grants to acquire new production machines.Frial is supported by France relaunches under the resilience.Helping companies to innovate and modernize is now building the industry of tomorrow, "insists Agnès Pannier-Runacher."Welving international market shares involves an industrial reconquest in France".
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An investment plan at 23 million euros over 2 years
Since the launch of the individual flat tray prepared microwave in 1994, the same one that allowed the development of the company, Frial has grown up.But its leaders no longer look in the retro.And turn their backs on the crisis that failed to be right for their business.
To ensure the future, Frial has already invested 13 million euros in its production tool since 2020.This first slice of a plan at 23 million over two years has enabled certain frial organs to be upgraded.
The second part of the investment plan (€ 10 million) this time concerns frial development over the period 2021-2022."We are going to double the production surface with an extension of 1,500 m2 dedicated to seafood in the old Moulinex warehouse in Bayeux by November 2021", announced in May 2020 Philippe Cadet, commercial director of Frial.Frial will continue its investments in the eco -responsible packaging and the construction of a new control laboratory intended to promote export.
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