Venture free with O2 thanks to a unique development fund in France

O2 care services

Franchise Aide à la personne
Investissez dans un métier qui a du sens !
O2 est l'enseigne leader du secteur des services à la personne. Multispécialiste, elle s'adresse à toutes les familles tout au long de la vie grâce aux services personnalisés de : ménage-repassage, garde d'enfants, aide aux seniors, jardinage, [...]
25 000 €
Apport personnel

The possibility of franchising with O2 thanks to a unique development fund in France

French people have a higher appetite for entrepreneurship than other developed countries. According to a survey conducted by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor1 in 2018, 18% of people aged 18 to 64 wanted to start their businesses in France, compared to 6% in Germany, 8% in the United Kingdom and 12% in the United States. Nevertheless, in France, the real share of new entrepreneurs is much lower than the intention to start up. Indeed, in 2018, only 1.9% jumped, compared to 2.2% in Germany, 4.1% in the United Kingdom and 5.1% in the United States.

The main obstacles to entrepreneurship are administrative and financial

Entreprendre en franchise avec O2 grâce à un fonds de développement unique en France

If the willingness to undertake is far greater than the actual number of entrepreneurs, it is because there are too many obstacles to entrepreneurship that do not allow the French to get involved. According to a survey carried out by TMO Regions2 in 2018 among intentionists, the various fears are as follows: 35% cite administrative procedures too complex and 34% point to too large a financial investment.

The franchise O2 Development Fund

O2 Care Services now offers opportunities for financial support. The brand builds on the franchise development fund created in September 2021 by the Yes Care Group. The purpose of this fund is to:

For first-time entrants to the franchise, the applicant must contribute own funds (30%), he can then draw up a file which will be forwarded to an investment Committee composed of the Group's General Directorate, the Administrative and Financial Management and its banking partners. This will make it easier for the beneficiary to convince the lenders of the remaining third, thus removing the financial barriers.

>> Lire aussi : "Nous voulons ouvrir à peu près une cinquantaine de franchises par an" Jean-François Auclair, directeur général O2 Care Services

How to reach O2 Care Services?

Would you like to know more about the achievements of O2 Care Services and the conditions required to join it? Check out the network's personalized file to find out how to become an O2 Care Services franchisee.