How the National Front manages municipalities, the example of Vitrolles
Faites une revue de presse un matin, vous êtes assuré de la dépression ;le chômage, l'insécurité, les impôts…Vous vous demandez mais à quoi jouent les médias ?Et s'ils ne jouaient pas ? Vous consultez alors les enquêtes. Elles ne vous rendent pas plus optimiste. Vous interrogez vos voisins, les habitants de votre quartier et voilà leur réponse : « c'est la faute auxpolitiques, ils font des promesses et ne les tiennent pas, tous pourris. Aux prochaines élections nous ironsvoir ailleurs ».
The example of Vitrolles, significant
So let's see elsewhere what these "others" promise those of the National Front so as not to name them.Why have some new members so quickly abandoned them?What did they do in the municipalities that they have a governed time?The example of the city of Vitrolles is significant of what would be a municipal management by the FN today [1].
Significant because the strategy of the megrets looks like that of the Dauphine Le Pen.Mégret had understood, more than 20 years old Marine Le Pen, than to conquer power, the extreme right will have to be "clean on her".He thus initiated a semantic war under the terms deemed too extremist as illustrated by the use of the adjective "republican" attached to his party "National Movement" in 1999 but does not respect the fundamental principles of the Republic in its managementlocal.He thus engages war on associations which do not correspond to the "values" of the FN: the closure of a place of cultural expression like the café -musique the sub -sailor in 1997, the abolition of subsidies to associations which did not have'Hour to please the municipality, or the dismissal of the director of the cinema Les Lumières, Régine JUNE, because she refused to de-program a film on love at the time of AIDS, the examples are numerous…
Mégret also attacks the toponymy of the city of Vitrolles, for example, for example, placing Place Nelson Mandela to name it Place Marguerite Deprovence.The attacks on the republican principles protected by the Constitution are numerous: the associations which fought against the discrimination and the inequalities disappear ... and the affidated, Friends and relatives of the mayor's party replace all the municipal and associative, licensed staff, licensed.
Incompetent executives
The municipal management of Vitrolles is also characteristic of the incompetence of FN executives who have no management experience, neither national nor local.In terms of municipal finances, Vitrolles leaves the indebted megret period as never since his birth, as shown in the report of the Court of Auditors of June 30, 2002.The anecdote is cruel: for the presentation of the municipal budget, unable to make a budget, the elected couple calls on a private firm paid by the funds of the municipality.Municipal funds were not used for the common good: they did not maintain heritage and public buildings during these 5 years and used public money for other purposes than the general interest.
An incredible number of convictions
On the judicial level, the municipality had to pay an incredible number of convictions following innumerable trials lost before all the courts: Administrative Court, Prud'hommes, criminal courts.These convictions are as much the result of violation of the law for political reasons as by ignorance of administrative procedures and ordinary law.
None of the conquered town halls remained in the hands of the FN
But the most incredible was the violence with which the megrets managed their city and relations with those who resisted them.The harassment of municipal staff was constant: denial system, threats and permanent pressures.50 category A executives ask and obtain their changes.Thus, in Vitrolles, as in the other cities led by the FN (Marignane, Orange, Toulon), the assessment of municipal management is calamitous.Justice has condemned some of the mayors as in Marignane where the mayor, SimonPieri, is sentenced for having paid his personal employees with the municipal funds and for having given his family From the generosity of the town hall with attributions of unjustified posts.The voters, too, condemned the FN for the incompetence of its representatives but also, can be, for the unbearable violence of its practices: none of these town halls no longer has the label of the party of Marine Le Pen.
Haine speeches
The testimonies of the defectors of the FN are eloquent: in the sections of the FN, the words are hateful, racist, sexist, homophobic and xenophobic.The speeches are violent and sometimes the acts too: we really spit on the elected officials of another party, we insult them and we attack activists.Admittedly, the more skillful leaders of fabrication, keep another language, moderate, elaborated but sometimes escape revealing sentences of the style "the Roma naturally fly like birds" and many other unbearable words.
The facts speak for themselves
There are, obviously, two Fronts: the one we show in the window and that of the back shop.To shed light and say exactly what the FN is capable of, when it is responsibility, it will be necessary to constantly return to the calamitous balance sheet of local management that were Vitrolles, Marignane and Orange.The facts speak for themselves, much more than a long speech.
[1] Gérard Perrier, Vitrolles, a laboratory of the far right and the crisis of the left (1983-2002), Arcane 17 editions.February 2014.
By the future team does not wait and Gérard Perrier, member of the Laïcité group and Republic of www.lavenvenuendpas.Fr
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