How to become a content creator on social networks and live it?
Devenir créateur de contenu, c'est en résumé la promesse de la formation digitale lancée par Jonathan Kubben, créateur belgo-mexicain du compte Instagram MOM I'M FINE. Parti de rien, l'entrepreneur a développé sa marque et réussi à en vivre en quelques mois seulement. Quelles sont les clés de son succès ?
It is one of our favorite content creators on networks.Jonathan is a brilliant, generous, honest and extremely sympathetic guy.He made his nice and funny idea at the start - namely to open an Instagram account and post fun photos to reassure his mother during his many trips around the world - a real business whose only goal is notPersonal profit.And in the world of social networks, it is quite rare that to be underlined.Invested in several humanitarian causes, Jonathan uses his success to transmit his knowledge, diversify his activities and carry out projects that make the world a little better.Interview
What is the concept behind Mom I'm Fine?
The concept was born on social networks.On this Instagram account created in 2015, I reassure my mother during my trips through really special photos, namely;By jumping from an airplane, swimming among the crocodiles, etc..My publications quickly generated a lot of attention.And then, from there, Mom I'm developed, evolved to become many projects at the same time: a clothing brand, an association that builds schools from recycled plastic for disadvantaged children,advertising, a series on television broadcast in October on Plug RTL and RTL-TVI and probably, soon, a film.
What is more precisely the content of your training to become content creator?
The purpose of this training is to share my experience and teach interested people to create original content, content that will attract attention.To be precise, I do not pretend to learn how to create content.There are already many training courses that do so.What I propose is to learn to differentiate yourself because on social networks, there are a lot of content that looks alike.Whether you love marketing, whether you are interested in communication, community management, that you want to become a content creator in general or want to develop your business by giving it more visibility, this training is intended for you.I learn, from the very beginning and extremely practical way, to create different content, how to find an original idea, how to exploit it, how to transform it, until the final phase, namely to transform this idea into a company.It is a complement to traditional studies, which I do not denigrate at all since I did them, but I would say that training helps to understand how it goes in real life.
Buy training
What is the price of this training?
197 euros currently.This price gives you access to 10 modules of about 15 to 20 minutes each time.Each module is devoted to a specific subject.In every video, I talk about my experience, I give concrete cases, I explain how I did.
How does the training take place once bought?
Overall, it happens in the same way as during the masterclass that I give around the world.There is no delivery of a diploma or a certificate at the end.With training, you have access to videos and therefore written supports, examples of photos, animations, etc..But there is no traditional support as in a classic course.
The advice you give through your training are only based on your personal experience with the creation of Mom I’m Fine?
What we find in training is a summary of lots of things, info and advice that I learned in my professional career, by creating Mom i'm fine but also during my studies since IAI studied communication sciences and business management at the university.I also transmit what I learned from other people.Certain methodologies that I have not personally set up but which are made to be shared.
What results can we hope to obtain people who bought your training to become content creator?
If these people concretely apply my advice to their own life and their concept, their objective, they will become better communicators on social networks which have become a real business card today.
Would you say that your training helps to become an influencer?
No way.I do not pretend to help become an influencer.Besides, I have a problem with people who convey messages of the type: am this training and you will become influencer.You have to be aware that there are also external factors that participate in the realization of a project.These factors have nothing to do with the quality of what is posted, nor with the frequency of publication.You also need to be lucky for a concept to work so it would be to lie to pretend the opposite.
Social networks are not only benevolent places for young people.You who are known on these platforms.What are your wishes for the future?
Ouh, I have a lot.First of all, I would like social networks to be more human.Then I would like them to be more controlled.Not in censorship but when you know that some people have the capacity to reach hundreds of thousands of people through their posts, I find that it would take much greater regulation on the messages they pass.Some traditional media, which affect fewer people, are much more controlled on the information they convey.This non-control on networks leads to truly catastrophic drifts with people who promote cigarette sales, online gambling and in addition, they speak of subjects of which they are not expert and contribute toconvey fake news and propagate false and dangerous information.This kind of content is really harmful for young people.Before social networks it was already so difficult to be young and adolescent but I would like to be even less today.There should be an independent control system.There are already many problems in the world, so if we focus on things that do not exist or that don't have much importance, it's not going at all.Apart from that, social networks are an incredible tool that allows you to share a lot of information and connect people between them.You have to follow the right accounts.Without the networks, the mom I’m fine project would not have been possible.We still managed to build a school without the help of sponsors, without the help of the government.It's incredible.Social networks are really a double -edged sword.
What is the key to your success and your longevity on social networks?
There are 2 factors in my opinion.The first is one of the 5 values that we promote via Mom I’m Fine and it is authenticity.We quickly feel if the interest behind an account is purely mercantile.I sometimes do not post for 1 or 2 months, I post when I like it, when I have something interesting to share and there is ultimately little advertising on the account because I refuse a lot of collaborations.The second factor is my ability to reinvent me.If I had stayed on the starter buzz, if I had not transformed this experience and this community, we would not have created everything that was done.Mom I’m Fine has evolved and diversified in its activities.
What are your future projects to come?
There are quite a few (laughs), so in disorder: I participated in several incredible campaigns, including one related to a cosmetic product and I filmed with a Games of Thrones actor in Slovenia, we finishedThe first school and the children are in it, I am extremely proud of this project and we already work on the opening of a second school in another city always in Mexico, the release of the series, I work on a film, IGo to Chile to work on this project and a second film will most likely follow and also, we will relaunch the clothing brand.I am super happy with the current and future projects and very impatient to share all of this with everyone.
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