In the parachute of the NASA Rover on Mars, a hidden message, then deciphered

Après un voyage de sept mois, le rover Perseverance, conçu par les équipes de la NASA, s’est finalement posé sur le sol de la planète Mars jeudi 18 février : un accomplissement scientifique pour l’agence spatiale américaine, qui a passionné certains internautes.Dans le parachute du rover de la NASA sur Mars, un message caché, puis déchiffré Dans le parachute du rover de la NASA sur Mars, un message caché, puis déchiffré

NASA published the video of the machine landing on Mars on Monday, February 22, adding to the video in the video.It didn't take long for the most invested to discover the secret in question about the photos and videos of the Perseverance landing on Mars."Does the parachute of Perseverance have a kind of message or hidden code?"The red bars seem very specific, "wondered a surfer about the very popular Reddit Forum.

On a video capture of NASA, we can indeed see that the parachute of the rover used to land has a particular pattern based on red bars on a white background, and that these bars follow a pattern that could hide a message.And indeed, the parachute is divided into four circles, themselves composed of sets of ten bars forming a binary code: each red bar corresponds to a 1, and each white bar to a 0.

Lire aussi Mars 2020 : le rover Perseverance de la NASA s’est posé sur la Planète rouge après sept mois de périple

"Dare Mighty Things"

Dans le parachute du rover de la NASA sur Mars, un message caché, puis déchiffré

Very quickly, some members of the Reddit forum and Internet users on the Twitter social network understood that this sequence of 0 and 1 corresponded to a series of letters, and after an analysis (and the help of a few lines of code), theyDecoded the hidden message: "Dare Mighty Things", a slogan that could be translated by "see big".

These words are not chosen at random: "Dare Mighty Things" is a slogan used by the American space agency, but also by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), project craftsman.Moreover, the red and white bars of the exterior circle of the parachute, once decoded, refer to the GPS coordinates of the American laboratory in California.

These are not wacky theories of too passionate Internet users, since several NASA researchers who worked on Perseverance confirmed on Monday, on Reddit and Twitter, that there was a hidden message on the Rover parachute.Subsequently, one of the project managers, Allen Chen, confirmed in a tweet the reading of the code made by Internet users.

Revivez notre direct :Mars 2020 : le rover Perseverance de la NASA tente d’atterrir sur la Planète rouge

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