In the Senate, Yves Jégo pleads for a social project around “producing in France“
"What do we do for the generation that goes up and particularly today, in an upset world, of both deep and brutal changes?It is one of the major subjects of all society and all those who engage in politics ”.Heard by the Senate economic affairs committee within the framework of the "information mission on policy in favor of equal opportunities and the emancipation of youth", the honorary president and founder of certificationOrigin France Guarantor said he was "passionate" by the subject carried by President Jean Hingray.
It must be said that Yves Jégo has been engaged for several years around this "France of factories and workshops".If the country houses "companies with shareholders and brands", the latter no longer have factory and workshops in France."It's always economics, but it is part of the economy that poses a number of difficulties in the good life of our country," said the former mayor of Montereau-Fault-Yonne.
"I am attached to French production, not in a closed or ultra sovereignist vision of saying that you have to lock yourself behind our borders and produce only for us, but in a vision of an open world where theproducts circulate, "he said, deploring that the closure of these same factories and workshops contributed to the creation of a" French geography of dissatisfaction, unemployment, difficulties ".
Unlike the city centers, metropolises where services are en masse, this rural or semi-rural France is today "in despair for lack of future for its youth".
Hence the fight led by the former elected official with the Certification Origin France Garantie (OFG), which has just yielded the presidency after 12 years spent at its head.The ambition was simple: give a tool to entrepreneurs to attest to the origin of their product.Precisely, for Yves Jégo, the question of the origin of the products, to "know what we buy", is significant in current society.Especially since the brand and the origin are often decorated."You buy a Renault Clio, it made in Turkey.You don't know.You buy a Toyota Yaris.It is made in Valenciennes, you don't necessarily know it, ”illustrated the founder of the Pro France association.The OFG certification therefore uses a demanding process, with external organizations responsible for verifying whether its constituent elements are indeed filled.Concretely, 50 % at least of the unit cost price must be French and the product must take its essential characteristics in France.For 10 years, more than 600 companies have taken this process and more than 2,000 product ranges have been certified.
"This fight for France of factories and workshops has been animating me for years.I think that “producing in France“ is a collective company project.I noticed it as elected, we lack a shared project, something that can make the link between all French.Many political leaders have looked for it and still seek it, ”said Yves Jégo.This collective project must lead to "first mobilize our training tools, and especially our youth".It is a question of "offering him prospects in production, in the ability to take place in society, by working on products which are those of daily life and which we need", with, to the key,important benefits in terms of employment, quality of life and development.
"In factories, I do not see unhappy people, but young apprentices proud of what they do and happy to learn a job," assured Yves Jégo.With the advent of "makers", that is to make your own clothes, furniture, etc.., production is gaining popularity and becomes a subject of social, economics.
The workers are not the only ones concerned by employment opportunities: we can also cite technicians, engineers, workers;Upstream of production, design professions;downstream, those of logistics and marketing."Basically, with production, the whole chain of the economy of our country is concerned, and it is very mobilizing," continued Yves Jégo.
It remains to be resolved, now, the problem of the image deficit from which industrial professions suffer."There are many business leaders who tell us that some young women prefer to be a cashier, so as not to have to say that they work at the factory," said the deputy.Hence the need, according to him, to work on communication and promotion around industrial profession, to create "producing stars, manufacturing", like what has been done for years with theCuisine and programs like Top Chef.The effort can also be brought to the promotion around digital, from the factory 4.0 and improving workers' working conditions.
"Good news, there is a" made in France "generation which is going up.Hundreds of young people want to create their business, produce in France and make this principle their founding ethical base.We must rely on this generation to make them the heroes of tomorrow, to value them so that the production professions become attractive trades, ”continued Yves Jégo.
This project is also an opportunity to strongly mobilize the territories.According to the founder of OFG, having a France of factories and workshops is to have territories that are mobilizing to welcome, train, support clusters, create ecosystems of territories, build buildings, mobilize professional training.It is ultimately a global project, capable of training with it the whole society."The French culture to which we are attached gives dimension to French production.The France brand carried by French products is different from the brands of other countries, because it is carried by the French cultural imagination.A French artist wears the France brand, he brings him this “plus“.Behind this artistic lever, there is also a lever that promotes the economy of production, industries, workshops, etc.."Explained Yves Jégo, indicating that France had all the necessary skills, but also all the actors and all the capital levers.
Especially since the stake is worth the candle, as arnaud Montebourg, president of the company Les teams du Made in France and administrator in OGF, following Yves Jégo: relocated our industries would allow, in 10years, to win 3.5 to 4 points of GDP and to catch up at European level (with 12.4 % of GDP, France is one of the latest nations in the European classification, placing itself behind Spain and L'Italy).The former Minister of Industry also pleads for the creation of schools similar to "42", training in the code launched by Xavier Niel, in order to meet the needs of companies directly.