Jean-Jacques Garet: French hypnosis wants to make America lose weight!
For several months now, advertisements by Jean-Jacques Garet, a well-known hypnotist in France, have appeared in the United States. "I'm going to launch my books later this year in America, and my weight loss method isn't known there yet, so I'm going to make 100 people lose weight for free to prepare a series of conferences that I'll tell you about again."
To make his method known, Jean-Jacques Garet is currently setting up a “control group” in the Miami area and he is offering free training to 100 people. “I am looking for people with more than 10 kilos to lose, who are sincere in their approach. The process is simple: just go to bed every night while listening to an audio recording, the changes will then happen on their own. I offer them the SLIMMING program, a value of $193, and I ask them in exchange to follow my program from March to July and to complete a monthly report of the past month.«
A 387-page book, with 23 audio-accompanied hypnosis sessions, and over 20 tip sheets is to follow. But…. losing weight by closing your eyes… isn't it a bit too good to be true?
“Hypnosis is a state of inner concentration during which your brain confuses external life with the images, sounds, sensations that the hypnotist gives it and therefore registers them as real. It's the words of the hypnotist that are the therapy, and that's why you have to be very careful when choosing a hypnotist, you wouldn't entrust the engine of your car to the first comer? So why would you do it with your brain?
Hypnosis practices are thus spreading more and more, both to quit smoking and to increase one's concentration potential, and of course to lose weight.
Jean-Jacques Garet has been a hypnotherapist for 25 years and he practices in Nice and Paris, after having practiced in Ireland and England. A specialist in weight loss and sleep disorders, he leads conferences and seminars all over France. As he says on his website: “The event that marked my life happened around my 35th birthday. I was in Ireland and for dramatic family reasons, I sank into depression in a few moments. I weighed 120 kilos and I slept a restless and not at all restorative sleep! After a while, I realized the situation and made the decision to come out of this state; I really tried everything, psychiatrists, drugs, Guinness, alternative medicine… Until the day I attended a conference on hypnosis. I was "cured" in a few weeks, which totally amazed me! And, since then… he has made a career! "I created Manoir VALANCE so that everyone can easily use self-hypnosis."
And how does it work for weight loss? “With diet methods, some want to re-educate, change eating habits. And it is impossible. Your brain doesn't know how to unlearn: so try to unlearn French, or to walk, it's simply impossible.
To lose weight, you will have to learn a new way of life, and this will concern your food choices, but also your self-image, self-esteem, self-love, the quality of your friends, your life… You will have to learn new reflexes then assemble them into a new automatism and above all learn to use this new automatism in your everyday life.“
Jean-Jacques' challenge is interesting, especially since in North America, we sometimes have the reputation of having a few extra pounds compared to France!