The event film “BAC Nord” is available on Netflix International under the title “The Stronghold”
BAC Nord is the film that marks the beginning of the presidential election campaign in France: according to some, it is the perfect illustration of the “disintegration of the State” in which the police could almost “no longer enforce the law in certain cities”. "BAC Nord" means "Anti-Crime Brigade", and in this case that of the northern districts of Marseille. It was released on Netflix International on September 17.
The story is freely inspired by a scandal that took place in 2012: eighteen members of the BAC had been accused of drug trafficking and racketeering. The film was released on August 18, 2021 in cinemas, but following the broadcast at the Cannes Film Festival, an Irish journalist from AFP asked the director if his film could encourage viewers to vote for Marine Le Pen at the next presidential election. Bloody settling of scores in Marseilles will then ensure the promotion of the film rather sadly; reality catching up with fiction: the film was then cited as an example on many occasions.
We looked for you at Bac Nord (the English title The Stronghold means "the fortress" and, in its genre, you have to admit that it's very effective. Of course, you have to like detective films and want to spend an evening stressful. Several scenes are completely anxiety-provoking, including that of a besieged police raid in a "sensitive neighborhood" (as we say in France). We are generally not very good audiences for French series and films of the 20th century, but this is really a step above what is usually done. In addition, we must salute the courage of the director who was able to show his vision, a non-angelic version of the "cities" Without claiming that it is their only aspect, the number of murders in Marseille suggests that there is indeed perhaps a small problem, at least enough for a director to have the right to look into on the subject.
A film by Cédric Jimenez with François Civil, Gilles Lellouche and Karim Leklou, available in French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, and even with Chinese subtitles.