VIP Boutique News: towards infinity and beyond!
Une nouvelle collection de vêtements débarque sur Terre pour vous mettre la tête dans les étoiles.
It moves in our VIP shop!A few months after being enlarged by a new collection which redefined the unchanging logo of your favorite poker room to allow you to show off with unique pieces to your wardrobe (or almost), here came time to welcomeIts natural successor: WNMX.If this new brand had already been "teased" by Benjo last September, the design of the products had been carefully kept warm, struck by the secret defense seal.Lovers of Hollywood space conquest and blockbusters will undoubtedly have recognized at first glance the immensely famous typography of NASA, for a new brand that radically contrasts with what we find elsewhere on our shelves.
And you know what ?This is exactly the aim sought, with an "urban and technical" spirit "100% assumed, as Fred explained to us, our store manager."Urban", we easily understand it, via the timeless jogging, hats and hoodies, available in several colors, as well as the "banana" bag, proving if necessary that fashion is definitely a matter of cycles.
As for the "technical" aspect, it must be sought on the side of t-shirts and sweatshirts (available under different models) and especially new new accessories such as gourd, "stormproof" backpack (yes, we too,We have just learned what it is via the photo above), the parka and the down jacket (available very soon), which will easily become your new allies at the end of winter.Note for compulsive miles compulsive buyers that t-shirts, jogging and sweatshirts are also available for purchase directly on Amazon.
Do you want more ?Know that we still have many ideas and designs in the boxes, including a new colorful reinterpretation of our logo.The winter collection is out, strongly the summer collection!
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