"What do we do for the generation that goes up and particularly today, in an upset world, of both deep and brutal changes?It is one of the major subjects of any society and ...
By Frédéric BourgeoisPublié Lela Renaissance Le Bessinvoir My Actuagnes Pannier-Runacher, Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Relaunch, in charge of industry, é ...
Case n ° 1: You (or another person) use more than $ this.view.authrespons.devicelimit appliances and/or browsers at the same time → Disconnect the devices and/or browsers that you use ...
This Sunday, July 4, 2021, on the occasion of the launch of summer sales, several stores and shops will be open in the Metropolis of Lille.We take stock.
By Hervine Mahaudpublié Lelille Actuisse My Actuenvie to take advantage of your holiday to do some shopping?Good news, many stores, shops and shopping center will be opened ...
By Thibaut Calatayudpublié leactu toulousevoir my news is the largest industrial disaster in modern history in the country.The explosion of the AZF factory, September 21, 2001, marked several ...
Rise, the hottest studio the place: new baby of Dynamo teams (the best place to do indoor cycling in Paris), Rise appeared in the heart of the marsh during the Réouv ...
By Yann Guénégoupublié lecôté Brestvoir My Actua Havaux and Alban Quellec created Anaod, a brand of recycled clothing.The first, 23, is a master's student in Master 2 at the IAE in Bretagn ...
You had to be a little visionary to buy a ski clothing brand in full global warming!A brand certainly French, certainly historic -since born in 1952 -, certainly tipped ...
By Amélie Thomaspublié Lecôté Brestvoir My Actufitxel, Fitness contraction and Pixel.The sportswear clothing brand was created in Brest in March 2021 by the Brestois Alwena Bréhin and Rémi Quér ...
Remember.In 2008, Olivia and Elodie won the silver medal at the Beijing Olympic Games in the final of the 4 times 100 meters together.In 2016, it was the ultimate consecration with the gold medal.It's alo ...
Paris, report by a fresh winter day, heating thoroughly in their green van, Alan and Joachim roll in the streets of the capital.Dressed in their fluorescent yellow garbage outfits, they sc ...
"Fighting multinationals on a small scale that pollute and do not meet human rights" is the challenge that Clara Nedelec, creator of the Instagram Ficelle account, has launched.El ...
After Nike, another sports brand affirms its interest in the metarers.Adidas will offer virtual clothes, dedicated to this new popular space. The Adidas sports giant will set a foot in ...
Christine Lijour has just opened her used clothing and accessories shop at 35 rue de Pont-Aven.After 40 years spent in Guadeloupe, La Trégunoise returned to take care of her mother, and a ...