The agency studies how to resolve the digital terrestrial fracture by looking for a way to install a Wi-Fi network on the moon. In a new study published by NASA, experts from the Spat agency ...
After a seven -month trip, the Rover Perseverance, designed by NASA teams, finally landed on the soil of the planet on Thursday, February 18: a scientific accomplishment for the age ...
By Valérie Guédonpublié, updated while the space conquest fascinates the young generation, the brands explore the imagination and the logos of the American governmental organization.
"The one who displays the NASA logo on his t-shirt has in fact never set foot in space," titled the satirical Gorafi on his site last year.You also saw them in the streets, ...
Published on August 15, 2019-A+by Gérard-Michel Thermeau. On the occasion of the 250th anniversary, celebrated very discreetly, let's note, from the birth of Napoleon, here is a little overview of its interpreters ...
Follow @BEPOLAR AVAILABLE OUR SUGCRIVE OR LIGUTED TO PARTY IN THE CLUB!21 #AvisPolar11 Investigators have seen/Lu1 investigator and read it/Readémémé: "The new PO phenomenon ...
5 (10) The COVVI-19 crisis was the revealing for many of a need for nature and large spaces.The mountain invited itself to this quest for freedom and the micro-adventure in France and near ...
After the possibility of an island, in 2005, he returned with a fanfare for the map and the territory, in 2010, which will earn him a Goncourt prize and still a little greater recognition.If he publishes all ...
Pour y accéder, nous avons dû marcher 5,2 km.Soyez bien équipéLa motivation est essentielle, mais de bons équipements le sont tout autant.Après avoir pu effectuer ces randonnées qui ont pu être diffic...
The demon of any list is called arbitrary.Rather than exorcising it, it is better to recognize it from the outset: dear readers, dear readers, the list you will discover does not pretend ...
Subscriptionscomings, Rabastens-de-Bigorre, agriculture, the annual competition of oily cows brought together 170 subjects.He appears in a forecast calendar established a year in advance: "Even if the Mar ...
1 / 4 have you set your sights on a bike? All right, all right, all right. It is now time to go to the rendezvous to verify the condition of the beast. A very important piece of advice: take your time! Don't you...
Over the past few months, ephemeral sales of clothes per kilo have flourished in the four corners of Lyon. And faced with the success of this kind of event, Ensign Kilo Shop smelled the right thread and decided to...
What do you think of when you hear the word "hippie?" For many people, hippies evoke images of free love, peace signs, and tie-dye. But what is a hippie, really? Where did the hippie movemen...
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