The presale, the eco-responsible choice (but not only) which confirms the Slow-Fashion approach of Noliju

A l'heure où les réseaux sociaux ouvrent en grand les portes et les coulisses des marques, le choix d'engager sa communauté en la faisant activement participer à son développement est une stratégie que Noliju fait de plus en plus sienne.La prévente, le choix éco-responsable (mais pas que) qui conforte l’approche slow-fashion de Noliju La prévente, le choix éco-responsable (mais pas que) qui conforte l’approche slow-fashion de Noliju

If the presale is known - and used - for what it allows to test its market, to convince outside of its community, to obtain funding to engage production, it is, for the Activewear brand, a meansto rely on his community and to make a strategic support point.

Textile beta-tester

The presale, Norah Luttway came there for all the reasons mentioned.But thread by needle (without puns) it has made it a way of testing life -size, of better targeting market expectations, of meeting a demand that sometimes does not always know how to express themselves expressed.And to give way too, to a certain creative audacity, that which also allows to differentiate oneself.

This is how the presale has taken up more and more space in the development of the brand, to the point of setting up monthly presales, which concern more particularly the products designed from recycled materials."La Prévente offers the possibility of participating in the creation of the brand," recalls Norah Luttway."It is a product made for the consumer, for the community, in a limited series and this also corresponds to the trend that goes towards eco-responsibility".

But in that it requires upstream preparation, questions towards the community, of design of the prototype, therefore imagined according to the returns of these "beta-tester" of textiles, the presale turns out to be a powerful marketing tool, recognizesthe leader.

The physical, complementary and demanding channel

La prévente, le choix éco-responsable (mais pas que) qui conforte l’approche slow-fashion de Noliju

If the presale therefore constitutes a major pillar of the Noliju strategy, the development of a physical distribution channel is nonetheless.Like many DNVB (native digital, vertical brand), these marks born on the net, Noliju considers physical presence, not only as an axis of diffusion, sales and additional notoriety, but largely also important by what it bringsin complementarity.Better understanding recycled materials is an example."The recycled material is still perceived as innovative, some consumers wonder about the touch aspect, fearing a more revising aspect than a traditional material," notes Norah Luttway which has recourse in particular to plastic recovered in the Mediterranean Sea.As a reminder, 90% of the winter collection is made from recycled products.

Physical distribution is established according to a specific development plan, designed and deployed by an expert in the subject, recently integrated within the company.Where it is a question, on the European market, of choosing a selective distribution by relying on partners with an average/high-end positioning and capable of showing white leg in terms of eco-responsibility."We want their own positioning to be truly eco-responsible, or that their eco-responsibility is to act in the search engine," points out Norah Luttway.

Internationally, Noliju is rather researching distributors, mainly in Asia, South America and North America.A business rapprochement that can be done via chords with retailers, depending on their potential and positioning in the targeted country.

Prepare for the second hand

By means of brand development is also added the concept of service, this little extra which helps to further mark the difference.So since 2019, Noliju has integrated traceable labels, certifying the property of the product (which follows in the event of resale), thanks to Trust Place technology."This intelligent label allows you to sell the property certificate," says Norah Luttway."It prepares for the second hand".Another integrated technology, at the merchant site, that of Avasize which allows you to choose the right product size and therefore avoid or limit feedback.

Not necessarily techno, but clever in the servic approach, the noli'live, stages Noliju products every month and the different ways to decline them, in sport, in stadiums, in training or in the city.Or a live program, which features the products, in real situations and with the explanations that go well and interaction with the community.A way to press a little more on the concept of activewear in general and Noliju in particular, which allows to wear clothes both for sporting activity and for the city.

If it remains discreet about its turnover, Noliju, which employs 7 people, claims 100% increase in its attendance and 50% BtoC sales growth on digital.Among the projects are, among other things, the world of golf and the maritime world...

Laurence Bottero

4 minutes

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