Place your brand online: the 4 steps to be observed imperatively
1st step: choose your brand
Your brand must be distinctive, that is to say that it must be able to be represented graphically (word, drawing, logo).It should not include usual and generic terms.Be aware that you are the source of the extent of the protection from which your brand will benefit.Indeed, there are 45 brand classes that correspond to different activity sectors and it is up to you to choose the fields of activity for which you want your brand to be protected.
Good to know: when you make a standard deposit you have the possibility of selecting three brand classes, in other words three areas of activity.However, you can always extend protection for 42 euros per additional class.
2nd step: check the anteriority of your brand
You should know that a brand that has already been deposited by another person is considered to be unavailable.In the field of brand protection, first arrival first served!It is up to you to do the research to verify the availability of your brand.If you do not do them, you may be doubly losing: you will pay the deposit of your brand and, in the event of a dispute, you will not get the case!
It is therefore necessary to verify the anteriority of your brand.The INPI (National Institute of Intellectual Property) allows you to search for free the presence of identical brands which have already been the subject of a deposit.However, it is advisable to deepen your analysis by launching a further anteriority search to verify the presence of similar brands.
3rd step: Take up your brand with the INPI
This is a step that you can carry out alone, even if in practice many are helped to be sure of obtaining adequate protection.The entire brand deposit procedure is dematerialized.
The steps are relatively simple: the INPI will acknowledge receipt of your deposit, make a publication in the official industrial property bulletin (BOPI) and start an in -depth study of your file.It is only after this exam that the INPI will definitively publish your brand recording at Bopi.
4th step: monitor your brand
Finally, don't forget to monitor your brand!It is only by being attentive that you will have the possibility of being reactive in the event of usurpation or infringement of your brand.
You will be able to carry out the procedures on time and hope.Monitoring your brand is therefore just as essential as its deposit.
>> Notre service - Entrepreneurs, toutes vos formalités juridiques en ligne : plus simple, plus rapide et moins cher, pour créer une entreprise, modifier ses statuts, protéger une marque ou un logo, déposer un brevet, récupérer une facture...