Saint-Remèze - A completely goat brand!

You couldn't have missed it... The stylized goat with its headband on the background of the Ardèche map is on the back of many cars and on quite a few T-shirts. So much so that it has become the unofficial emblem of the department! This drawing, we owe it to the brand Chèvres and co which markets humorous clothes, but also a lot of other goodies, around the Ardèche.

Initially, a simple joke!

"Originally, it was a joke between friends," says Muriel and Carole, the founders with Nathalie. idea of ​​making clothes with funny images or slogans. At that time, in 2012, the 3 of us were unemployed, so we started by putting 500 euros each." But even for a joke, the 3 friends of Saint-Remèze do it seriously. "We set up an LLC and we moved into the attic at Carole's," recalls Muriel, with a smirk. The first slogans visible on the T-shirts are "Full metal caillette" and "Ardèche libre". "The text was nice but something was missing. The problem is that we were all bad at drawing! So we started looking for a designer. And we came across a guy who had a comic book trait that we really liked. Luckily, he also lived in the Ardèche, in Saint-Privat!" The designer in question is Olivier Tichit and he is the father of the famous goat, which has become the symbol of the brand. "Since this year, we have also been collaborating with a young graphic designer from Saint-Remèze who works under the pseudonym of "Pot de Com".

From Carole's attic, the three friends do not count their hours. "We had all found another job so we came in the evening, after work, says Carole. We are order givers. We don't know how to do anything with our hands! visuals and t-shirts and we print all that. We try to make it as local as possible but we also want our products to be accessible. If it's to sell 30 euros a t-shirt, that doesn't make sense! It's a compromise to be found."

From T-shirt to knife to lighter

Saint-Remèze - A completely goat brand

The Chèvres and co range has expanded rapidly with two mainstays: humor and the Ardèche. Sweatshirts, children's clothing, caps but also the lighter, the knife, the cutting board or the mug have made their appearance. They can be found in around forty points of sale in Ardèche. And, since last year, Chèvres and co has had its own shop in Saint-Remèze. To spread, the brand has also made its mark on the Internet. Carole, who has become a full-time employee of Chèvre and Co, ensures a continuous presence on social networks with, of course, a lot of humor!

The success is such that the three friends had to face an obstacle they hadn't thought of: counterfeiting! “Our goat and our visuals are very popular and some have shamelessly stolen them from us to make money, regrets Muriel. At first, we made a phone call but in the face of the bad faith of some, now we warn the authorities. Because all our visuals are registered." Not enough to dampen the enthusiasm of the three girlfriends who don't lack ideas for their bandaged goat. We might even see it land in comics one day, who knows?
