The Geniuses of Mathematics collection
1 - Carl Friedrich Gauss He was baptized "the prince of mathematicians", a title which has never been disputed since then. Among the advances that we owe to him, we particularly note those relating to number theory. The construction with ruler and compass of a regular polygon with 17 sides which occupied mathematicians since classical Greece is also one of his first great discoveries.
€3.99, on sale Thursday, March 22
2 - Pierre-Simon de Laplace
He embodied the culmination of the scientific spirit of the Enlightenment. In the field of mathematical physics, he completed Newton's program, explaining the functioning of the cosmos. With his probability theory, he raised the study of chance to the rank of a scientific discipline and finally perfected the decimal metric system.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, March 29
3 - Leonhard Euler
Great Swiss mathematician of the Age of Enlightenment whose name is inseparable from mathematical analysis. He is also the author of fundamental contributions to geometry and number theory and has created, with graph theory, a new field of research. He finally published on hydrodynamics, mechanics or optics.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, April 5
4 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
One of the greatest mathematical geniuses, the German philosopher and scientist lived between the 17th and 18th centuries. In addition to the binary numeration and the invention of the first calculator, he is, like Newton, the creator of the most powerful tool for mathematically describing the physical world: the infinitesimal calculus.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, April 12
5 - Henri Poincare
It had a lasting impact on most branches of mathematics and acquired considerable scientific renown in France as in the rest of the world. His work made a fundamental contribution to the development of the theory of special relativity and, above all, of topology.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, April 19
6 - Jacques Bernoulli
He was the first of a line of 17th and 18th century Swiss mathematicians who were responsible for discoveries such as the calculus of variations, hydrodynamics and pioneering research in number theory. The eldest of the Bernoullis enunciated the law of large numbers, the first notable contribution to the calculation of probabilities.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, April 26
7 - George Cantor
With Richard Dedekind, he gave the definition of an infinite set. Banking on the multiplicity of infinities, the German Georg Cantor reformulated the bases of mathematics. Today's mathematicians and logicians still use this new world that Henri Poincaré compared to a paradise.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, May 3
8 - Srinivasa Ramanujan
He is India's most famous mathematician, especially for his brilliant contributions to number theory and combinatorial theory. He is at the origin of a vast atlas of new results in the study of prime numbers, the partitions of integers or continued fractions.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, May 10
9 - Evariste Galois
The French mathematician barely lived twenty-one years and yet contributed to transforming mathematics as well as the society of his time. In particular, he demonstrated that there was no general solution by radicals for equations of degree greater than four, and established the conditions for an equation to be solvable.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, May 17
10 - Bernhard Riemann
He is one of the emblematic scholarly figures of the mid-19th century. Despite the brevity of his career, the German mathematician marked differential geometry and left to mathematicians the hypothesis that bears his name and which constitutes the most important unresolved conjecture.
€9.99, on sale Thursday, May 24
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