Top 10 French habits that look super dirty to foreigners
Nous sommes des crados. C’est ce que pensent les étrangers qui viennent faire un tour en France. Et quand on fait le tour de nos habitudes, on peut comprendre que certaines dégoutent un peu… Si tu te retrouves dans au moins deux points de ce top, c’est que toi aussi t’es un gros dégueulasse (y’a pas d’autres mots désolée).
1. We would throw our garbage out the windows
We've always been the service crackers. Already in the Middle ages, our waste-including our personal production-was thrown out the window. First of all, it doesn't make you want to walk around the streets. But the worst part is, we were dumping it without warning! You were not safe from walking quietly and receiving yourself. I mean, you finally figured out what I was trying to get at. Luckily, in 1372, screaming 3 times "watch out for the water" before swinging everything became mandatory!
2. We throw our shit in the streets (always)
We still think the street is a trash can. Butts, cans, papers or masks: they are everywhere on our sidewalks, all the time, whether or not there are garbage cans around. We can imagine the heart attack of our Swiss neighbors when they cross the border. At home, it is less fun: depending on the cantons, disposal of waste in public space is punishable by a fine of between 50 and 500 Swiss francs. So it's clean. Very clean.
3. Tissue tissues are used
I gotta admit, this thing is really gross! You use it all day, put it back in your pocket, trickle around to find a little space still available before you put it back in your bag. To all those who say it's a fashion and luxury accessory, you'll have to explain to us!
4. You Don't wash your hands well
"wash your hands with soap." That makes sense, you tell me. So, how do you explain that the government has been telling us this over and over again for the past two years? We can see you, just passing your hands underwater after you've been in the bathroom for 10 minutes. You're disgusting.
5. Little soap is used
A Frenchman spends 580g of soap a year on average: this is half as much as in Germany or Britain. People criticize us, but in reality, it's just that we're more respectful of the planet. But that obviously doesn't make any difference to anyone.
6. Running away from the shower
One in five Frenchmen do not wash daily, according to a survey conducted by BVA in 2012. You see your colleagues around you? Well, if you took a shower this morning, it may not be the case for everyone …
7. Some of us Don't change our underwear regularly
50% of French and 25% of French women would not change them every day. No, that's too much. The bra, I want to understand. Who changes it every day? No one. What the hell are you doing? Now you've lost all my support.
8. We Don't have a bidet
Come on, let's stay on the topic of private hygiene. The bidet is this little sink in the bathroom, which has almost become an unidentified object in France. And guess what, it's not just to rinse your feet! At home, they began to be withdrawn in the 1970s, for economic reasons and to gain space. Pragmatic. Our Italian neighbors have still not recovered. At home, bidet is a religion.
You got a vengeance to take with an Italian buddy? Here is a song that could touch him in the depths of his soul: Ah, how ugly he is, how ugly the bidet is, how beautiful he is, how beautiful the sink is! X 2!
9. You Don't brush your teeth well
No, guys, it's not working anymore.
10. We wear our shoes inside
It may seem normal to you, but if you keep your shoes at home, what are the slippers for? In Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia or Turkey, you take off your shoes before you go home. Clean or muddy. It doesn't matter. First of all, they see it as a sign of respect. But most importantly, it keeps the soil clean longer.
Note: you have the right to force everyone to wear them to your home, if you just bought the last blue light Dyson. Now we understand. Oh, really, really. We're even jealous.
Well, after this top, let's admit, we're gross.
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