« Trembler en France » : retour en fanfare du « Ministère Secret »
The second volume of the secret ministry was born by Dupuis editions."Trembling in France" allows Joann Sfar and Mathieu Sapin to reproduce the formula that walked so well in the first opus: fusing dialogues, epic adventures and caricatural and often pathetic characters.
"Normally, we ask immigrant populations to kill each other for a wages of misery, but as you are not enough, sell us your industrial patents.»The meaning of Joann Sfar's formula is still one of the main flashes of the secret ministry.Immigrants here are about two extraterrestrial groups welcomed in Dijon cities and looking at each other, at best, in earthenware dogs.Dijon is also the region of Mathieu Sapin, a designer putting himself in the album himself.We discover it at the beginning of the narrative going to a family part of the role play, absorbed to the point by this distraction that he neglects the city of Dijon burned a few kilometers away.
Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande and Mathieu Sapin will soon renew their shock trio, to get their hands on a tube with supernatural powers, capable of transforming any thing into an ultra-popular object (including, in the spirit of'Former right president, the songs of his wife Carla Bruni).The former UMP leader still takes it for his rank: satiated, we discover a cigar on his lips, on vacation on the yacht of Vincent Bolloré, a situation which obviously refers to the first controversies having succeeded his election in election2007.However, this is not the only one to pay the price for the caustic humor of Joann Sfar and Mathieu Sapin.
Thus, the invasion of the Capitol of January 2021 went to sarcastic sieve."This is the ridiculous hats and poorly matched clothes!It looks like someone played the Sims and has chosen the clothes at random."Or:" Walking on the Capitol, howrtus dressed as at the Dunkirk carnival or as at the Bayonne celebrations."And the authors still sinking the point home:" They remind us that at least seventy years ago, the Nazis had made their uniforms made by Hugo Boss."Beyond the satirical features of" trembling in France ", the relationship between Yaacov Kurtzberg and his brother James is effective.Children with extraordinary physical particularities, they grew up by being deeply affected by their physiological attributes.We also learn that James has long jealous of his brother for the attention that their parents had with him.
For the rest, the comic of situation, character or repetition produce their effects.Mathieu Sapin dreams of sharing exploits that no one obviously wants to hear - and even less to listen.A keychain with the effigy of General de Gaulle, a pee of Princess Charlene of Monaco in the open sea, Nazi defectors, a meta-shaped discourse to readers (Joann Sfar particularly likes them) orA Mathieu Sapin cut in two are all opportunities to smile.Often presenting several gags by board and strong of an irreverent spirit, "trembling in France" is gladly embarked on a form of overbidding of the absurd.It is disheveled, successful, although sometimes repetitive and not always of the best taste.Be careful however: what does not appear for the moment that Auncdotique could contribute to the breathlessness of the series in the longer term.
Secret ministry: trembling in France, Joann Sfar and Mathieu Sapindupuis, November 2021, 56 pages