Being 20 years in 2021 in India: young people from the LP4Y center in Mumbai (part 2)
In 2021, Lepetitjournal.Com, Founded in 2001 in Mexico City, Celebrates its 20th Anniversary.To celebrate this anniversary in India, the editorial staff worked with young people from the center of the Life Project for Youth association in Malwani in Mumbai who are the same age as our site.Together, the young people and the editorial staff made you meet young women in their neighborhood.Today, they make you discover two young girls with unusual habits.
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Shifa, 19 years old living in Mumbai, a fan of debate and encyclopedias
Shifa is a neighbor of one of the young girls in the center of LP4Y.Two other young girls in the center, Pooja and Saima, interviewed him.
She lives with her wide family in the overcrowded district of Malwani north of Mumbai.Under the same roof cohabit the parents, the older brother, the younger sister, Shifa and her little brother.The older sister, married, no longer lives with them.
Shifa is currently in equivalent of the second and is preparing for end -of -year exams.She is educated in a school with teaching in English and has practiced football for several years.
But, the particularity of Shifa is his rare passion for a young Indian living in his neighborhood where the patriarchal system is always very present.She told young people:
She participated in 5 debates against students from other schools in the neighborhood and won 5 trophies of which she is very proud.
Shifa, is also a big reader, but she does not read classic books, novels or new, her interest is quite different:
Shifa admits that life is not easy in her neighborhood, but she believes in """"""""""""""""her God and in herself"""""""""""""""" and thinks that she can overcome the obstacles of life.She says:
Bushra, 18, taking care of her father alone in Mumbai and motorcycle fan
Diviya and Noorsaba from center of LP4Y in Mumbai met Bushra by walking in the street in search of a person to interview.Bushra was alone at home playing on her phone.
Bushra is 18 years old and completed her schooling this year at the end of the equivalent of the second.His family has 6 people: the parents, a sister and two brothers.Following the last confinement imposed by the municipality of Mumbai, the majority of the Bushra family returned to live in their native village near Lucknow in the Uttar Pradesh.
Since his mother left in her village, Bushra is alone in Malwani, Mumbai with her father and has to prepare for dinner every day.
His father had also lost his place during confinement and the situation was tense at home.As long as her mother was present, she calmed tensions in the family, but Bushra dares not do like her when her father is annoyed.
At school, she particularly liked when she had English lessons and remembers for us a poem that she learned (Editor's note: rather a nursery rhyme): """"""""""""""""Johny Johny, (Yes Papa), Eating Sugar? (No, dad) Telling Lies? (No, dad), Open Your Mouth (Ah, Ah, Ah!) """"""""""""""""
Currently, Bushra does not work because it has not found a job because of the current containment in Mumbai.She occupies her days between domestic work and video games on her phone, she is a fan of PUBG (Editor's note: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a multi-player video game combining survival and shooting game).
Bushra dreams of being able to lead a motorcycle again as before confinement and aims to open his own business.
LP4Y - Life Project for Youth
Founded in 2009 in the Philippines by a French couple, Life Project 4 Youth (LP4Y) aims to facilitate the social and professional integration of disadvantaged young people.In just over ten years, the NGO has swarmed 24 centers in several Asian countries in order to meet the field at 11 of the 17 sustainable development objectives set by the UN.
In each country, the LP4Y organization is of local non -profit, registered with local authorities.In India, LP4Y is present in Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Bangalore, Chennai and Raipur.
Laure Delaporte, la cofondatrice de LP4Y a été lauréate du Trophée Social & Humanitaire parrainé par la CFE en 2016.
In Mumbai, LP4Y has been installed since 2017 north of the city since 2017 in the disadvantaged and Muslim district of Malwani to disease West.Since the end of 2020, the Malwani center has only welcomed young girls.
The Malwani district in Mumbai
The slum of Malwani is an enclave, on the edge of the mangrove, which is part of the immense district of disease located north of Mumbai and particularly isolated.The population is mainly Muslim, a population more likely to be stigmatized in India.According to the latest estimates, Illness has around 800,000 people, it is the most populous area in the city.
The district was strongly affected by the first confinement from March to June 2020 but also by the second confinement in April May 2021: more employment therefore more financial resources, access to limited water, promiscuity in houses, more'Access to care and drugs ...
LP4Y young people who carried out the interviews
Saima and Pooja
Saima and Pooja are both 18 years old and are among young people from the LP4Y center in Malwani.
They explain their training: """"""""""""""""We are not only learning IT and English, but we also improve our self -confidence and our ability to express themselves in public.We also receive information on nutrition and health from outside people.""""""""""""""""
""""""""""""""""We like to come to the center because every day there is a new activity.Each month, there is a day of graduation.»
Divya and Noorsaba
Divya is 19 Years Old and Noorsaba 18 Years Old and They Are Both Involved in the LP4Y Center in Malwani.
Divya explique comment elles ont découvert la jeune fille qu'elles ont interviewée, Bushra : """"""""""""""""Il pleuvait et nous sommes allées dans une petite rue pour nous abriter.We heard the voice of a young girl and we discovered that she was playing on her phone.So we thought it would be interesting to interview it.»
If you wish to participate in the action of LP4Y in favor of the professional and social integration of young victims of extreme poverty and exclusion, wherever you are in the world, join the network of LP4Y partners and meet the managerswhich will present you the assets of the pedagogy of entrepreneurship LP4Y.You will be able to develop together a specific projects, whatever your field.
The editorial staff thanks Saima, Pooja, Divya and Noorsaba and their coach, Joséphane and Charles.
Being 20 Years Old in Malwani, Mumbai in 2021
In 2021, Lepetitjournal.Com, Founded in 2001 in Mexico City, Celebrates its 20th Anniversary.To Celebrate this Anniversary in India, the Editorial Staff World with the Young People of the Life Project for Youth Center in Malwani, Mumbai, who are the same age as our site.Together, the Youth and the Editorial Staff Have Helped You Meet Young Women from their Neighborhood and Discover Their Ambitions.Today, they introduce you to Two Young Girls from their Neighborhood with Unusual Habits.
Shifa, 19 Years Old and Living in Malwani, Mumbai, Fan of Debates and Encyclopaedias
Shifa is a Neighbor of Samiya, One of the LP4Y Youth.Pooja and Saima, Two Other Youths of LP4Y, Interview Her.
She Lives with Her Large Family in the overcrowd Malwani Neighborhood in the North of Mumbai.Under the Same Roof Live The Parents, The Elder Brother, The Younger Sister, Shifa and Her Younger Brother.The Elder Sister, Married, No Living Lives With Them.
Shifa is Currently in the Equivalent of the Second Grade and is preparing for her Final Exams.She waits for school with English instruction and has played soccer for several years.
But What Makes Shifa Special is her rare passion for an indian girl living in her neighborhood where the patriarchal system is still very present.She told the youth:
She has participated in 5 Debates Against Students from Other Schools in the Neighborhood and has won 5 Trophies of Which She is very proud.
Shifa, is also an avid reader, but she do not read classic books, novels or short stories, her interest is different:
Shifa admits that life is not easy in her neighbourhood, but she believes in """"""""""""""""her God and in herself"""""""""""""""" and thinks she will be able to overcome life's obstacles.She states:
Bushra, 18, Caring for Her Father Alone in Malwani, Mumbai and A Motorcycle Fan
Diviya and Noorsaba from LP4Y MET Bushra While Walking Down the Street Looking For Someone To Interview.Bushra was home alone playing on her phone.
Bushra is 18 years old and finished her school this year at the end of the second grade.Her Family Consists of 6 Members: Her Parents, A Sister and Two Brothers.Following the last confinement imposedd by the Mumbai Municipality, The Majority of Bushra's Family Returned to Live in her native village near Lucknow in uttar pradesh.
Selfish her mother return to her village, bushra is alone in mumbai with her father and has to cook dinner for him every day.
Her Father Had also Lost His place During the Lockdown and the situation was tense at home.As long as her mother was present, she calmed the tensions in the family, but bushra doesn't dare to do the same when her father is upset.
At school, she especially liked when she had English class and remembers for us a poem she learned (editor's note: more like a nursery rhyme): """"""""""""""""Johny Johny, (Yes Papa), Eating sugar? (No, Papa) Telling lies? (No, papa), Open your mouth (Ah, ah, ah!)""""""""""""""""
Currently, bushra is not working as she has not found a job due to the nail lockdown in mumbai.She spends Her Days Between HouseWork and Playing Video Games on Her Phone, She is a fan of Pubg (Editor's Note: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a multiplayer video game combining survival and shooting games).
Bushra Dreams of Being Able to Ride A Motorcycle Again As She Did Before the Lockdown and Hopes to Be Able to Open Her Own Company.
LP4Y - Life Project for Youth
Founded in 2009 in the Philippines by a french couple, Life Project 4 Youth (LP4Y) AIMS TO FACILITATE The Social and Professional Integration of Disad YOUTH.In Just Over Ten Years, The Ngo Has Set Up 24 Centers in Several Asian Countries in order to meet 11 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Set by the Un Un.
In Each Country, LP4Y is a local non-professional organization, registered with the local authorities.In India, LP4Y is present in Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Bangalore, Chennai and Raipur.
In Mumbai, lp4y has been established sincere 2017 in the North of the City in the Underprivileged and Muslim Neighborhood of Malwani in Disease.Sale the End of 2020, The Malwani Center has only Welcomed Young Girls.
The Malwani Neighborhood in Mumbai
The slum of Malwani is an enclave, on the edge of the mangrove, which is part of the huge district of disease located in the very north of mumbai and is special isolated.The population is predominantly muslim, a population more likely to be stigmatized in india.According to the latest estimates, illness has population of about 800,000 people and is the most densely populated area of the city.
The Neighborhood was strongly affected by the first containment from March to June 2020 But also also by the second containment in April May 2021: No More Jobs and Therefore No More Financial Resources, Limited Access to Water, Promiscuity in the Houses, no more access toHealth Care and Medicines...
The Young People of Lp4y who Conducted the Interviews
Saima and Pooja
Saima and Pooja Are Both 18 Years Old and Are Enrolled in the LP4Y Center in Malwani.
They explain what they are learning: “We are not only learning computer Knowledge and English speaking, but we are also improving for confidence to talk in front of people.We receive nutrition and health information from outside people.""""""""""""""""
Every MONTH, there is a graduation day and that day a diploma is given to the studs.»
Divya and Noorsaba
Divya is 19 Years Old and Noorsaba 18 Years Old and They Are Both Involved in the LP4Y Center in Malwani.
Divya Explains How They Found Out The Girl They Interview, Bushra: “It was raining and we were in a small street to take shelter.We Listened to the Voice of A Girl and We Found Out She was playing on her phone.So we thought maybe it’s interesting to interview her.""""""""""""""""
If you wish to get involved in the action of LP4Y for the social and professional insertion of excluded Youth living in extreme poverty, you can join the LP4Y network: """"""""""""""""Let’s get together so we can show you the advantages of LP4Y’s entrepreneurial pedagogy and together develop a specific project, whatever your field of expertise.""""""""""""""""
Thank you to Saima, Pooja, Divya and Noorsaba and Their Coaches, Joséphane and Charles.