Under Armor offers Teddy Riner as a standard bearer to conquer France
Under Armor hits a big blow in France-and it is not a reference to the size of his new standard bearer.Teddy Riner officially joined the ranks of the American sports brand on Wednesday, which counts on the favorite sportsman of the French (according to to increase his notoriety in France.The details of the contract have not been communicated "But this is a very good amount", smiled the champion, until then at Adidas.
With him, Under Armor is not so much targeting the judo market as much wider that of running and training activities (fitness, bodybuilding, etc.), on which the brand, founded in 1996, has built a reputation thanksto technical clothes.
With its new star, Under Armor is not aiming for the judo market (read box below) as much as much wider, training activities (fitness, bodybuilding activities...) and running, and on which the brand, founded in 1996, has built a reputation thanks to technical clothes.
Opening of a subsidiary in France
After crazy growth in the United States, she seeks to make way in Europe, where, apart from Andy Murray or the Welsh Rugby team, she had few major posters-he also equips the FranceASM Clermont and the Souleymane Cissokho boxer."We are going to accompany Teddy Riner to the 2020 Olympics," explains Raphaël Lefort, the Southern Europe director, "and will help us make the brand known in France, where we are still a little actor.»»
Le groupe a aussi annoncé l’ouverture d’une filiale locale d’ici « mars-avril»», indique Raphaël Lefort.The translation of a global offensive to get rid of its North American tropism: despite its efforts of geographic diversification, it achieves even more than 80% of its sales there.And if he now tastes Adidas, he remains far from German and Nike worldwide, with a turnover of $ 4.8 billion in 2016, against 20 and 32 billion respectively.Now it crosses a difficult pass across the Atlantic.
Support for unwelcome Trump
Its founder, Kevin Plank, offered himself a counter-publicity by posting his support for Donald Trump. « Avoir un président aussi “pro-business” est un véritable atout pour le pays»», a commenté, début février, celui qui a fait partie des délégations de patrons reçus à la Maison-Blanche.Faced with the surge of criticisms, including certain threatening stars to leave the brand like the basketball player Stephen Curry, the group had to retropedalate and publicly took a position against the anti-immigration decree to try to extinguish the controversy.
Read also:
> Under Armour, l’étoffe d’un champion
But it was above all the publication of his annuals, at the end of January, which brought him a blow, with a collapse on the stock market in stride.However, he announced sales up ... 22%.Admittedly, its fourth quarter (+12%) ended its series of 26 quarters in a row at more than 20% growth, and it revised its ambitions for 2017 - with all the same an increase of 11 to 12%.But it was the limits of its model that have annoyed investors.Its profitability does not follow the same rate as its sales and it provides for a decline in its operational profit this year, at $ 320 million.
Inflation of contracts
If the amount of recruitment of Teddy Riner has not been communicated, it illustrates one of the weights that weigh down Under Armor: inflation of marketing expenditure.The brands are tearing out the sports stars (athletes or clubs) at increasing prices to exist on a highly competitive world scene. En France, « nous allons d’abord nous installer sur le training et le running, avant d’aller dans un troisième temps vers le football, où le coût d’entrée est colossal»», explique Raphaël Lefort.
« On aurait pu imaginer la marque se positionner sur un club ou une fédération de sports collectifs»», explique Virgile Caillet, délégué général de l’Union Sport et Cycle, le syndicat des entreprises du sport en France, qui rappelle qu’Under Armour a un temps regardé le récent appel d’offres de la fédération française de rugby. Le journal espagnol « Marca»»évoque, lui, l’intérêt du groupe américain pour le Real Madrid, un contrat qui pourrait atteindre un record de 150 millions d’euros par an."But the signature of Teddy Riner remains a big blow because it will establish his ambitions in Europe and in the rest of the world.And Teddy Riner will win an international exhibition, when he was more Franco-French so far.»»
Standoff with the French Judo Federation
Teddy Riner clearly expressed his intention to compete in the next competitions in Kimono Under Armor, who will embark on this niche on this occasion.The concern: the French Judo Federation chose the Japanese Mizuno brand last fall to equip the athletes who will defend the colors of France in competition.The entourage of Teddy Riner, the Federation and Mizuno are currently in discussions to find common ground.