Wall Street bounces with Apple and the big "Technos"
(Scholarship holder.com) — Dansun marché toujours très volatil, la Bourse de New York pointe en légère hausse vendredi soir, soutenue par les résultats record d'Apple (+5,2%) et des achats à bon compte des investisseurs sur certaines grandes valeurs technologiques.Interest rates take a break after their last days after the Fed announcements on Wednesday, which is preparing to start a key increase in its guiding rates.Oil has resumed its rise against the background of a Ukrainian crisis.
A deux heures de la clôture, le Dow Jones reprend 0,16% à 34.213 points, tandis que l'indice large S&P 500 grimpe de 0,65% à 4.354 pts et que le Nasdaq Composite, riche en valeurs technologiques et biotechs, rebondit de 0,92% à 13.475 pts.
Du coté des valeurs, Apple grimpe de 5,2% après avoir publié des bénéfices et des ventes supérieurs aux attentes au dernier trimestre de 2021, grâce notamment au succès de l'iPhone 13 et de ses ordinateurs Mac. Parmi les autre "Gafa", Alphabet (+2,5%), Meta Platforms (+1,1%), Amazon (+1,4%) et Microsoft (+1,2%) reprennent le chemin de la hausse. Netflix en revanche rechute de 3%, et Tesla grappille 0,5% après un plongeon de 11,5% jeudi.
Investors continue to digest the advertisements of the Fed on Wednesday evening, which reported that it would be "soon appropriate" to start raising its rates.Its president Jerome Powell adopted a firmer tone than expected, paving the way for a rate increase in rates starting except the scene at the next March meeting.
A cycle of 4 to 7 rate increases now expected
M.Powell estimated that the Fed had "a lot of latitude to raise its guiding rates without weighing on the job market".He has not excluded an increase in rates at each Fed meeting until progress is observed on the price front.He also pointed out that "inflation remains much higher than our long -term objective" by 2%, and that supply problems "are more durable than initially estimated".
These remarks led the strategists to review their rate hikes forecasts for 2022.While a few weeks ago, most of the experts were tabling on 2 or 3 recovery in the Fed Funds rate, the main key rate of the Fed, they now consider that it will take at least 4 laps this year forcurb the inflation outbreak that accompanies the release of the COVVI-19 crisis.
Une grande banque américaine, Bank of America, s'attend même désormais à ce que la banque centrale américaine procède à non moins de 7 tours de vis d'un quart de point cette année, ce qui impliquerait une hausse à chacune des réunions prévues d'ici à la fin 2022 (mars, mai, juin, juillet, septembre, novembre et décembre).If this scenario is confirmed, the main American key rate would go from its current range of 0%-0.25%to 1.75%-2%.
Inflation weighed on US household expenditure in December
Vendredi, la publication de l'indice "core PCE" a montré que cet indicateur d'inflation, le plus suivi par la Fed, s'est hissé à 4,9% sur un an en décembre 2021, au plus haut depuis 1982.Personal income from American households increased less than expected in December, by 0.3% over a month, compared to +0.5% consensus and after +0.5% in November.Personal consumption expenses have packed 0.6%, compared to -0.7% of Factseet consensus and +0.4% a month before.
Par ailleurs, l'indice du coût de l'emploi aux USA pour le quatrième trimestre, s'est apprécié de 1% en comparaison du trimestre antérieur, contre 1,2% de consensus.It increases by 4% over a year.
Enfin, l'indice final du sentiment des consommateurs américains mesuré par l'Université du Michigan pour le mois de janvier 2022 est ressorti un peu moins haut que prévu, à 67,2, contre un consensus de marché de 68,6 et une lecture préliminaire de 68,8.
Break in the increase in short rates in the United States
In the bond markets, the yields of state loans relaxed a bit on Friday evening after their outbreak caused by the Fed announcements on Wednesday evening. Le taux du T-Bond à 10 ans s'affiche vendredi soir à 1,78% en baisse de 3 points de base, après un pic à 1,86% mercredi soir, près de ses plus hauts depuis décembre 2019. Le taux du "2 ans" américain, qui reflète l'évolution des taux courts, cédait 2 pb à 1,17%, après avoir atteint un pic à 1,22% en début de journée, au plus haut depuis début 2020, avant la crise du coronavirus.The "2 years" only reported 0.73% at the end of December.
The dollar stabilizes after a leap of 1.3% Thursday, powered by the highest for over a year and a half by the more "falcon" tone of the Fed. L'indice du dollar, qui mesure son évolution face à 6 devises de référence (euro, livre sterling, franc suisse, yen, dollar canadien et couronne suédoise) s'inscrit vendredi soir à 97,27 points (+0,01%). L'euro avance de 0,06% à 1,1149$, près de son plus bas depuis mai 2020.
L'or a encore perdu 0,5% pour retomber à 1.$ 786.60 ONCE Friday, after -2% Thursday (April -term contract on COMEX).Finally, Bitcoin was evolving around 36.$ 980, up 2%over 24 hours.
Les cours du pétrole sont repartis en hausse vendredi, le baril de brut léger américain WTI gagnant 0,6% à 87,16$ pour le contrat à terme de mars sur le Nymex, tandis que le Brent de mer du Nord gagnait 1,1% 90,35$ (contrat de mars).
Values to follow
Apple (+5,2%) a publié jeudi soir après la clôture de Wall Street des bénéfices et des ventes record pour le dernier trimestre 2021, supérieurs aux attentes des analystes financiers.All the groups of the group, with the exception of the iPads, have made sales higher than expectations.For its 1st tax quarter, completed at the end of December, Apple released for the first time a net profit greater than $ 30 billion.The profits thus reached a record of $ 34.63 billion (a profit per share of $ 2.10) against $ 28.76 billion for the same period of 2020 (+20.5%).Apple sales were also established at a record level of $ 123.95 billion against $ 111.44 billion a year earlier (+11.2%).The consensus of analysts is widely exceeded: he was tabling on a BPA of $ 1.90 and on sales at $ 119 billion.
IPhone sales exceeded previous summits at $ 71.63 billion in the completed quarter at the end of December against $ 65.6 billion a year earlier, while Wall Street expected $ 67.57 billion.The iPhone, the 13th generation of which was launched in the fall of 2021, represented almost 58% of the group's total revenues in this quarter.Mac computers sales generated $ 10.85 billion against $ 8.68 billion a year earlier, and there too exceeding consensus, housed at $ 9.88 billion.Sales continued to take advantage of the development observed in 2020 when teleworking resulted in massive purchases of laptops.Only downside, iPad tablet sales reached $ 7.25 billion lower than the same period of 2020 ($ 8.44 billion) and Wall Street expectations ($ 8.19 billion).
The Wearable branch (of which Apple Watch) gave a turnover of $ 14.7 billion against $ 12.97 billion in 2020 and a little higher than the consensus ($ 14.36 billion).Finally, the services (including Apple TV+streaming, music and video games) reported $ 19.52 billion against $ 15.76 billion a year earlier and $ 18.67 billion in consensus.The services represented just under 16% of total sales of the American digital giant.
Despite the difficulties linked to the coronavirus pandemic and the shortages of components, the apple firm has generated 2021 a record turnover of $ 378.35 billion $ 294.1 billion $ $ 378.1 billionin 2020.
Comcast (+1,9%) a dépassé les attentes au quatrième trimestre 2021, affichant sur la période un bénéfice ajusté par action de 77 cents dépassant de 5% le consensus.Consolidated quarterly revenues appreciated 9.5% to $ 30.3 billion, 3% above market consensus.Peacock, the group's video streaming service, on the other hand, is struggling to make its place on a market dominated by Netflix, Amazon and Disney.In addition, the additions of new customers in the 'Broadband' slow down.Peacock displays more than 24 million monthly active users, 75% of the group's target for this service by 2024, but some specialists consider performance somewhat short for this promising service.
Visa (+8,3%) a révélé hier soir des comptes trimestriels supérieurs aux attentes.The title climbed 5% after scholarship at Wall Street.For its fourth trimester calendar (first tax quarter), the group gave a profit adjusted per share of $ 1.81, against $ 1.69 in consensus and $ 1.42 a year before.Group revenues totaled $ 7.06 billion over the closed period, exceeding expectations of around 4%.They were 5.7 billion over the comparable period last year.Visa notably benefited, over the closed quarter, travel expenses and online consumption, which supported volumes.
Mondelez (-2,6%), le groupe agroalimentaire américain, a publié pour son quatrième trimestre fiscal un bénéfice ajusté par action de 71 cents, contre 72 cents de consensus de place et 67 cents sur la période comparable de l'an dernier.The group with Oreo, Cadbury or Trident brands has made quarterly income of $ 7.66 billion, which, however, is very slightly exceeding market expectations.
Chevron (-5%) trébuche à Wall Street, le groupe pétrolier américain ayant dévoilé un bénéfice trimestriel inférieur aux attentes de marché.For the fourth quarter, the adjusted profit thus represented $ 5.1 billion and $ 2.65 per title, to be compared to a consensus of $ 3.1.In the production of oil and gas, operational profit reached $ 5.2 billion, tenfold in annual shift, but the markets therefore expected better, while the title reached historic heights.World oil and gas production was 3.12 million barrels per day over the fourth quarter, down 5%.Over the year, it emerges at 3.1 million barrels/day, slightly increased.
Caterpillar (-6,5%), géant américain des engins de chantier, a battu le consensus de place en termes de profits sur le trimestre clos.His income has also exceeded expectations.Nevertheless, the group also prevents pressure on margins with production costs.For the past quarter, 'Cat' achieved a profit of $ 2.12 billion, more than doubled in annual shift.On an adjusted basis, the group has released a BPA of $ 2.69.Income improved 23% to $ 13.8 billion, compared to 13.2 billion consensus.However, the operating margin of the first quarter could therefore suffer from the increase in wage and production expenses.The group plans to raise its prices once again this year, in order to compensate for the impact of charges.
Colgate-Palmolive (-0,5%), acteur américain majeur des produits de consommation, a annoncé ses comptes du quatrième trimestre, marqués par des ventes en croissance de 2% et une progression organique de 3%.On a GAAP basis, the benefit per annual share fell 19% to $ 2.55.Adjusted BPA for financial year has increased by $ 5% to $ 3.21.Annual sales appreciated 6%, including 4.5% in organic.The fourth quarter net profit was $ 148 million or $ 18 hundred per share, compared to 647 million a year before.The quarterly adjusted BPA was 79 cents, online with the Factseet consensus, while sales were $ 4.4 billion.The group anticipates an increase in prices in 2022, and also launches savings initiatives.
Charter Communications (+4,2%), groupe américain de télévision par câble, téléphonie et Internet très haut débit, a annoncé pour le quatrième trimestre des revenus de 13,2 milliards de dollars, en augmentation de 4,7% en comparaison de l'an dernier, avec des revenus résidentiels en hausse de 5,1%.The fourth quarter adjusted Ebitda was $ 5.4 billion, increasing 8% compared to last year.Net profit attributable to shareholders totaled 1.6 billion.Over the year, Free Cash Flow reached $ 8.7 billion, compared to $ 7.1 billion a year earlier.Net profit for the financial year was $ 4.7 billion.
Robinhood (+5,3%), le courtier en ligne phare de la période euphorique des 'meme stocks', trébuche à Wall Street ce jour.The group posted a greater quarterly loss than expected.Income guidance has also emerged disappointing for the first quarter of this year.Finally, the number of monthly active users fell.
VF Corp (-7,3%), le détaillant américain en vêtements, a abaissé ses prévisions de revenus pour l'exercice, avec les délais de livraison et les problèmes de main-d'oeuvre.
Western Digital (-9,1%), le concepteur de disques durs, corrige à Wall Street ce vendredi.The group has indeed provided a guidance lower than the expectations for the quarter started.The accounts of the fourth fiscal quarter, a just closed period, had nevertheless emerged solid.