Yes, we can reconcile business and ecology!


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Little cans: the laundry that saves the planet

Without finding in supermarket a real green laundry, Cyril Neves, 32, decided to create a biodegradable laundry himself, made in France and without palm oil."We have tested more than 30 laboratory formulas before finding the right one," said this former product manager at L’Oréal and Danone.To publicize his brand, small cans (his laundry is packaged in small 100% recyclable plastic bottles), he launched a crowdfunding campaign last year on Tudigo.“We raised 20,000 euros, double the amount requested.Many people have asked us questions about laundry, and one of the contributors, Margot Luscan (31 years old), has become my partner. "In just four months of activity, more than 3,500 people have tested their detergents, sold online (12.90 euros per 1 liter can) or by subscription (from 12 to 36 euros).

The company is looking for today to improve the packaging, "not yet perfect", to go to a loose system with instructions.Sales are progressing thanks to inventive communication on social networks, where the brand is followed by more than 10,000 fans."You have to communicate, talk about your project and not hesitate to ask people their opinion," said the entrepreneur.While 200 washing machines are launched every second in France, the small team knows that it has a huge market in front of it.

The key so that it works: offer consumers a product breaking with polluting practices but which is as effective as classic detergent.

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Conouco makes his clothes grow in France

It is after a significant humanitarian experience that Hugo Lemoine, 33, decides to undertake in ecology.In 2016, this Breton created Conouco, a brand of clothing made of organic French linen.He chooses the field of textiles because "this allows us to act at economic, social and environmental levels".However, he knows nothing about the sector."I made all the possible mistakes.For example, I did not move to meet my first supplier, which I regretted later.I discovered on the job the trades involved in the manufacture of a garment and, at the start, many banks refused to support me. "Until the day a banker lends him 40,000 euros.This starting bet, associated with 12,000 euros raised in crowdfunding, allows it to launch production and sell over its website more than 700 clothes, sold between 90 and 150 euros.

After two years in red, Conouco is targeting a first positive result this year.Last year, a delay in production weighed the summer season, the most conducive to flax."We have to hang on and compromise between our desires and the reality of the market," recognizes today the entrepreneur, who had to reduce his production costs by limiting the number of fabrics and focusing on French linenAnd clothes made in Europe rather than organic.Hugo is now betting on his new collection of 45 pieces designed by Camelia, a Romanian stylist.As of this summer, Conouco's pants and shirts will join Esperluette's stalls, a shop shared with another creator, in Dinard, in the Côtes-d'Armor, and several organic stores in Brittany.

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Oui, on peut concilier business et écologie !

The key so that it works: admitting that clothes made in Europe with French linen are more ecological than organic cotton clothes from Bangladesh.

Joone, the trusted layer

Transparency where young parents probably needed it most: it is the contract of confidence that unites Joone to its community of customers.This young company that produces babies has broken the codes of a so far opaque business.In its products manufactured in France, there is neither carcinogenic substance, chlorine, perfume, phthalates, nor endocrine disruptors."The health regulations on the strata is very uncompromising," explains Carole Jude-Lawellyn, 35, who created Joone in early 2017. We wanted to wear a speech of truth and we imposed ourselves very high standards. "Specifications, traceability, quality of raw materials, demanding sourcing: these requirements result in a rate higher than the market of around 20%.

But the formula seduces, and not only in the wealthy and boho centers.All the more after the publication in 2018 by the magazine 60 million consumers of a resounding survey on the toxicity of children's diapers, where Joone was acclaimed.After having achieved 1 million euros in turnover during its first year of fiscal year, the company today displays a monthly growth of 10% and markets 2 million diapers per month.It now has 35 employees and will recruit 5 to 8 more this year.In addition, after having been supported at its beginnings by the Parisian accelerator The Family, she won over the Alven Capital investment fund.In this tense sector, we remain discreet about the amount of funding, but this is the only secret of the Joone layers.

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The key so that it works: if your products are much more expensive than non -organic products, be transparent on their manufacture;65% of consumers are ready to pay more for healthy products (Source: Opinion Way).

Shadow, intelligent shadow

A climatic hazard decided on her early retraining: at the end of 2016, promised to a journalist career, Julie Davico-Pahin, 26 years old today, drops her CDI on the CNews television channel and joins her father, horticulturalist in Aix-en -Provence. The drought has just caused it to lose 25% of its harvest. Father and daughter then have the idea of ​​connected shades to protect crops from a high -added field -up field, such as flowers, vines and fruits and vegetables. A system of panels raised on light structures that open and close according to the shade and monitorous needs permanently by sensors installed on the plot. Julie's new life starts on the wheel hats: "The idea germinated in September, the Shada statutes were filed in mid-October and the patent in December," she recalls. None of the two creators has an engineer or sales profile. However, in the context of global warming, the idea appeals.

Accompanied by the Cleantech Aix nursery, they obtain 650,000 euros in banks and France Initiative.“Thanks to them, we were able to develop our internal technology by recruiting technical profiles in 2017 and 2018: computer scientists, doctors in biology, mechanical engineers.It allowed us to present reliable results and start marketing at the end of 2018, "said the young woman.The good knowledge of his father of the agricultural world, a partnership with the Société du Canal de Provence and their multiple contacts constitute solid assets: they come to raise 1 million euros from Business Angels, Crédit Agricole and the region.

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The key so that it works: make the strongest promise possible (master the climatic hazards, for example) and hold it.

UV Boosting replaces pesticides with UV

Can plants become more resistant thanks to a "good" stress? In 2012, research from the fruit and vegetable physiology laboratory from the University of Avignon made it possible to assert it, and lead to a patent. The principle: submit plants to a controlled ultraviolet radiation to stimulate their natural defenses. The interest of the method is drastically reducing the chemical treatments necessary for their culture. "In viticulture, our tests have shown that UVs can reduce the contribution of phytosanitary products by 50%," says Yves Matton, who directs UV Boosting, the company created to develop and market this innovative idea. For greenhouse strawberries, we find that UV treatment removes almost all chemical entrants. ” UV Boosting was climbed in 2017. A first round of table of 280,000 euros ensured the start of test phases, on a site and then in five, last year.

The company now has 15 employees (tech and experts profiles, biology, engineering and optics).A new round, 2.2 million euros from Family Offices and 1.4 million from Ademe, will allow him to continue his development.The wine sector says it is interested in this way of cultivating environmentally friendly grapes which saves expensive phytosanitary products."We have perceived a strong desire to change on the part of these professionals," confirms Yves Matton.The device will take the form of light ramps mounted on agricultural machinery.Marketing is scheduled for the start of next year.

The key so that it works: show your customers that ecological practices can reduce their production costs.

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Nok Boards, snowboards in circular economy

Fins de série, produits défectueux, prototypes, etc., les fabricants de snowboards ont toujours des planches à jeter. Sensibles à ce gaspillage, Adrien Réguis, 39 ans, et Vincent Gelin, 31 ans, ingénieurs R&D chez Rossignol, ont l’idée de récupérer les pièces vouées à la benne pour en faire des skateboards «eco-friendly». Fin 2017, ces deux passionnés de sports de glisse quittent leur employeur et créent NoK Boards à Grenoble. Après une première campagne de financement participatif réussie sur Ulule (20.000 euros de précommandes récoltés), ils commencent la production de planches à roulettes issus de snowboards recyclés. Très vite, les premiers obstacles surgissent. «Le plus compliqué a été la mise en place d’une organisation semi-industrielle, alors que chaque planche demande un traitement spécifique», raconte Adrien Réguis.

After several months, the team, accompanied by the incubator Ronalpia, manages to set up a coherent production circuit based on local resources.A specialized subcontractor takes care of cutting snowboards.In their 180 square meter workshop, the two partners take care of the rest of the manufacturing.The assembly of wheels and packaging are entrusted to a Grenoble insertion company.And production is sold on their website and in several specialized shops or e-commerce.Three hundred boards found takers in 2018. To develop its activity, the duo reflects on the manufacture of small furniture (stools, low tables, etc.) also from snowboards at the end of life.Objective: exceed 100,000 euros in turnover this year.

The key so that it works: to create a production sector from nothing, do not hesitate to be accompanied and devote several months of work to it.

Hostabee, the hive connected to the aid of the bees

It was at the agricultural high school in Coucy-la-Ville (Aisne) that Maxime Mularz, 38, then professor of mathematics, discovers beekeeping."The establishment had some hives whose bees died.The idea of creating a connected hive has germinated in my head, "he said.From 2014, he developed a first sensor prototype to control the temperature and humidity from a hive from a computer or a smartphone.Convinced of the commercial potential of his invention, he founded Hostabee in 2015, with two local entrepreneurs and 137,000 euros in European subsidies in pocket.Each sensor is sold 96 euros and costs 3 euros per month, after the first year of use.

In three years, the Saint-Quentin start-up has affected around 300 beekeepers, who have ordered more than a thousand connected modules.The fact remains that the French market, estimated at 2,000 active professionals, seems narrow, knowing that there are already around thirty connected hives solutions.With six employees, the company held the shock thanks to the contribution of new investors in 2017 (for an amount of 150,000 euros) and the support of Bpifrance and the Department.She hopes to sell 2,000 sensors this year.But the international remains his best card, especially the United States.One of its big pride is to have equipped the hives of Google, Mountain View, California.A good start.

The key for it to work: if you are on a very crowded niche, look at export;The environmental problems encountered in France also exist abroad.

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