Yoga: the 10 coolest spots to practice in Paris
Riis, the hottest studio
Le lieu : Nouveau bébé des équipes de Dynamo (le meilleur endroit pour faire de l'indoor cycling à Paris), RIISE a fait son apparition au cœur du Marais lors de la réouverture des salles de sport au début de l'été 2021, dans un espace discret et chaleureux, puis s'est doté d'une seconde adresse au sein même de la flambeau neuve Poste du Louvre, un lieu historique dont l'architecture métallique de type Eiffel a été conservée dans le studio même. Contrairement à d’autres endroits plus lumineux et paisibles où pratiquer le yoga, RIISE prend le parti de présenter une expérience différente et originale : dans le noir, la chaleur et en musique.
Practice: 50 -minute lessons take place in a room heated to 26 degrees, in the dark, guided by the music and the words of the coach (s).This particular framework puts us in the conditions to produce an intense effort while focusing fully on our movements and our breathing - and not on the neighbor who expires a little too strong or who has just ripped on his carpet.
The public: occasional (or regular) athletes who want to sweat well and disconnect with their daily life for an hour will find their account perfectly.To make the most of the course, just master the few basic yoga postures that will come back regularly (dog head up, dog downstairs, warrior I, II and III…) but no need to make Handstands allDAY days.Take a bottle of water, close your eyes and let yourself be carried away.
The address: 9 rue Charlot, 75003;43 rue Etienne Marcel, 75002.
Price: decreasing prices from € 29 to € 18 per session.
Good to know: carpets and bricks are provided.As with Dynamo, he has everything you need to shower and come out fresh from his session.
La Montgolfière, the club that thought of runners
The place: private sports club installed in an old fabric of canvas of hot air balloon, a stone's throw from the Saint-Martin canal, La Montgolfière offers its members access to very varied courses including yoga, in a large and bright room locatedon the second floor of the establishment recognizable by its canopy.